solved Do the PHP exec, passthru and shell_exec functions really need to be enable?

6 years ago
328 posts
Dear Brian,


I have read somewhere on the internet that PHP exec(), passthru(), shell_exec() and system() functions should be disable to avoid security issues/risks.

I have enabled the system() function because it was required by Jamroom to run/install.

Now in the JR system check, I get this red flag:

Disabled Functions: exec, passthru, shell_exec :Disabled PHP Functions can impact system functionality.

Brian, in the following post you said: "The only one of those (functions) that Jamroom needs is the 'system' function".

Question: Do the exec, passthru, shell_exec function really need to be enable in order to JR to run properly? Should I have to enable them or not? Is it safe?

updated by @pch: 11/10/19 12:19:44PM
6 years ago
7,794 posts
exec() is used to get file meta data, so if its not working audio and video modules could loose data from the original files if any processing is done to them.

jrPayment module uses passthru() if your wanting to use stripe as a payment processor this needs to be active.

Only place im seeing shell_exec() is in the CodeMirror plugin so that's probably ok not to have on if you dont use past code into editors or bb code blocks in your site.
6 years ago
328 posts
Hi Michael.

Thanks for your reply. You are very smart. Your answer was straightforward and very informative.

Thank you so much. I will enable them. :)
