I've just finished updating the Marketplace with a ton of new releases for Jamroom Core 6.1. Jamroom 6.1 has been in beta for much longer than normal - I want to thank everyone for your patience and feedback during the beta. The fact that it dragged on longer than normal all falls on me - I'm in the process of moving and didn't anticipate how crazy the last 6 weeks would be getting a house ready to sell.
Jamroom 6.1 brings a ton of improvements, tweaks and fixes - our plan at this time is to have Jamroom 6.1 be a fairly "long term" release - i.e. there are no plans a this time to jump into Jamroom 6.2 (at least not yet lol).
If you are upgrading from Jamroom 6.0.x here's what you want to do:
1) Log in to your site - go to the Marketplace and the System Updates tab.
2) Update to Jamroom Core 6.1.0
3) Run an integrity check with "repair modules" and "reset caches" checked
4) Go back to the Marketplace and update the "Marketplace" module
5) Reset caches again
6) Go back to the System Updates and update the modules individually - if you use the "update all" it's likely to get stuck. If upgrading a single module takes more than 30 seconds, refresh and try again and it should install
7) When all done, run a final integrity check with "repair modules" checked and reset caches
8) Go back to the Marketplace and install the new "System Tools" module - this is a core required module going forward
9) Go to to the ACP -> System Check and make sure everything is green.
9a) You may need to go to the Dashboard and enable workers - on some updates (depending on what you are updating from) the queue worker pause mechanism has changed and you may need to manually re-enable the queues.
9b) If you are running the Video Module, go into the ACP -> Profiles -> Video -> Tools section and run the "Verify Video Files" tool.
That should do it. I know this is a bit more involved than a normal update, but there's some underlying database updates and changes that need to be applied correctly. If for some reason you don't do it in the order outlined about, no worries - you just may notice the marketplace updater showing you that something hasn't updated (when you think it has) - just reset caches and update.
We're excited to get 6.1 moving forward now - maintaining 2 versions of modules is a lot more time consuming.
If anyone has any questions or feedback, please let us know.
If you are a hosting customer and need assistance with the upgrade, please don't hesitate to open a ticket and let us know - we can help.
We hope everyone loves Jamroom 6.1!
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 05/21/18 04:13:02PM