I see the help explanation, but I still don't understand exactly what it is:
Enable Quick Share ?
Check this option to enable the Quick Share options in a Profile timeline.
Default: on
Lately I've had members randomly continuing a forum discussion by then posting on the other person's Timeline Activity stream... which I don't want to allow. They don't even seem to understand how it occurred. I like member's actions to show in timelines, but I don't want people posting like a coversation in each other's activity streams. HOW can I prevent members from holding discussions in each other's profile timelines?
- I tried UNchecking the 'enable quick share' inthe Timeline module, (which had been checked for over a year)... but after clearing cache the offending posts had not disappeared, so I am thinking that unchecking it is not the way to do what I want.
I'm confused. Any clarifications on this?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 09/03/17 12:27:14PM