solved Install Jamroom 5 - PHP System Error

11 years ago
15 posts

After 2 Days of Searching for and answer and poking around my server, I can't figure out the error.

I am getting an php error: The following function(s) are not enabled in your PHP install: system

- I copied my server's php.ini to the Jamroom5 install directory.
- Running PHP Version 5.3.27
- Installing in a subdirectory in my domain.
- Jamroom 4 is currently running in root of domain
- Created a fresh database for installation of JR5 - can't connect yet
- Have Root Access to Server - everything can be adjusted, just not sure what yet.

1) What I am looking for which settings in my PHP.INI needs adjusting.
2) Is there anything else that needs to be done ?

Thanks !
updated by @bagpiper: 02/06/14 01:53:01AM
11 years ago
600 posts
Why do you need the php.ini file in the jr root?
And why can't you connect to your DB?
Look here

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11 years ago
15 posts
Thanks for the reply.

I can't get complete the Installing Jamroom part because I get the PHP error prior to submitting the database name, user and password.

I copied the server php.ini to the JR5 directory so I can edit the PHP options just for JR5 and nothing else on the server.

This advice was found in the forums but without the necessary info to which section needs to be customized.
11 years ago
2,804 posts
Thanks for the reply.

I can't get complete the Installing Jamroom part because I get the PHP error prior to submitting the database name, user and password.

I copied the server php.ini to the JR5 directory so I can edit the PHP options just for JR5 and nothing else on the server.

This advice was found in the forums but without the necessary info to which section needs to be customized.

Make sure your server meets these requirements:


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
600 posts
Make sure you add the whole path to the install config when it asks it on the install page.
Not sure if it's the problem but make sure you are adding all the info telling JR, where the user and the database is.

also in user

That has nothing to do with php.ini etc.
The database can be accessed without altering or adding that.

The only reason why you would add php.ini to your root ( may need to be recursive ) is for file upload sizes etc.
Jamroom works pretty much out of the box unless your server has restrictions or isn't set up right.

What are you putting in when you goto ?
Make sure all your info that you set up beforehand ( USER AND DATABASE ) is correct when you put it in
eg. make sure you create your empty database and a database user before you install taking note of the full path to both.
bagpiper_myJr = Database
bagpiper_myjrUser - User
User Password = XXXXXXXXXXX

For the install page eg
it must be precise ( All info as you see it ) to be able to Access and Populate the database.

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updated by @madc: 01/06/14 07:37:21AM
11 years ago
15 posts

My server is fine for JR5, a new database has been created, I have the correct DB Name, Username, and Password.

The problem I am having is at the install page.

The reference to editing the PHP.INI file comes from suggestions to what the problem is and how to fix it. I have copied the URL to some of these discussions and part of the fix from one such discussion below.

You'll want to edit your server's php.ini file (i.e. /etc/php.ini) and remove "system" from the "disabled_functions" setting. If you don't have access to or can't edit that file, you'll need to contact your hosting provider for assistance. You'll need to restart your web server for the changes to take effect.

Hope this helps!

- Brian
11 years ago
2,804 posts
I'm not 100% sure, but moving the php.ini file to the JR5 directory may not work.

Can you edit the php.ini file in your /etc/ directory, as stated in that post, and restart your server?

If you can't edit that file directly, you may want to contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Short of that, you'll want to wait on Brian, he know more about the server setup than I do.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
15 posts
I can edit the PHP.INI file directly but there are several sections that may apply, what I needed was the a pointer to the exact changes that are needed.

I have restarted my server.


This is from my server admin in regards to PHP system function and the PHP.INI file:

system() is a PHP function that is disabled by default for security purpose. If you need to enable it for a specific script, you can copy the default php.ini to the folder that contains said script, then edit it to fit your needs :

cp /usr/local/lib/php.ini /home/username/path/to/script/
nano /home/username/path/to/script/php.ini
11 years ago
2,804 posts
If your still seeing an issue, you'll want to wait on Brian and see what he says.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
15 posts
Thanks Doug
11 years ago
600 posts
I read in one of those posts
You'll want to edit your server's php.ini file (i.e. /etc/php.ini) and remove "system" from the "disabled_functions" setting. If you don't have access to or can't edit that file, you'll need to contact your hosting provider for assistance. You'll need to restart your web server for the changes to take effect.
Are you on a dedicated server? If so I see no reason to have this enabled.

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updated by @madc: 01/06/14 10:06:12AM
11 years ago
123 posts
Try this...

After editing your php.ini file add the following to the top of your .htaccess file...

# Ensure PHP runs under the guise of script owner, here known as 'skbiz'
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/skbiz/public_html

Replace 'skbiz' with your own site's username.

11 years ago
15 posts
I am on a dedicated server, but the server is normally locked down for security reasons.

The server is like you home, most people would normally would keep all the doors and windows locked everyday.

When needed, you only open/unlock the doors/windows when you use them.

It would be a real pain to lock and relock every door and window in your home every time you woke up, left the house, returned home, wanted fresh air, let the dog out, went to bed, etc.

If you forget to lock one of those doors/windows in your home, you leave a wide gap in your security.

So its very reasonable to lock the whole server down, and can loosen the security for those domains that require it.
11 years ago
123 posts
I wouldn't edit the main php.ini file if I were you. Just copy the php.ini and place the copy file in the root of your Jamroom install. It's safe to tweak this php.ini to suit your needs. e.g.

; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons.
; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.
disable_functions = ""

11 years ago
600 posts
I am on a dedicated server, but the server is normally locked down for security reasons.
The server is like you home, most people would normally would keep all the doors and windows locked everyday.
When needed, you only open/unlock the doors/windows when you use them.......

Ok I get it. I thought that was what Permissions were for?

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11 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep - what Mick says. Copy the php.ini file to your Jamroom root directory (or whatever the DocumentRoot is set to), modify it and make sure the "disabled_functions" is emptied. There is only one "disabled_functions" setting, so you don't have to worry about changing the wrong one.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
15 posts
Hello Brian ,

Thanks, I commented out the following line and it worked. I will run it by my server admin as a precaution to see if the whole line is ok to be removed.



; disable_functions = "show_source, gzuncompress, system, passthru, exec, shell_exec, popen, proc_open"
