(Bug) jrDeveloper/adminer.php

9 years ago
223 posts
Hello guys i was checking database on jamroom and i found this error


updated by @serveion: 08/09/16 09:45:20AM
9 years ago
7,794 posts
Thanks for finding the bug and reporting it. appreciated.

Any steps on how to get to see that same page, It seams to be all working for me here. Is there something I need to do to get that screen to appear?
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I've not seen this either - makes me think you're running an old version of PHP. Make sure you're running the latest Developer Tools as well - the latest release will suppress PHP notice's that might come out on PHP 7.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
223 posts
I've not seen this either - makes me think you're running an old version of PHP. Make sure you're running the latest Developer Tools as well - the latest release will suppress PHP notice's that might come out on PHP 7.

am updating the server to the laters, am getting randoms errors i will see if this fix the problem

thank you
updated by @serveion: 05/09/16 05:23:34PM
9 years ago
223 posts

am still getting the same error
9 years ago
7,794 posts
I still have the same question:
michael:....Any steps on how to get to see that same page, It seams to be all working for me here. Is there something I need to do to get that screen to appear?.....

No issue with it for me here. Need further instructions to investigate further. ;)
9 years ago
10,149 posts
There's a couple issues here:

1) You should never see PHP notices or errors on your screen as JR sends them all to the data/logs/error_log. The fact that these are coming out on your screen tell me that you've got something set in your php.ini that does not allow Jamroom to "override" the error settings.

2) The only time in JR you will see notices and errors is if you are running in Developer mode.

You might try reloading the Developer Tools module (ACP -> Marketplace -> Tools -> Reload modules and skins) and see if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
223 posts

Yes am still investigating, becuase. I have to jamroom installation on the same server, one give me no errors the other dev mode is the one giving me errors so i need to figure out what is different between them,
