Custom php scripts ?

10 years ago
7 posts
I am in the process of upgrading from an older version of JRM where I used a lot of custom php scripts. However, in the newer version with its modular structure I am not sure where to place php code lines or if there is some type of JCore tag to use with php code lines in a template? I have tried the HTML and Template widget sections.....
updated by @profileradmin: 09/14/15 01:28:00AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Depends on what your custom php scripts are doing but the chances are you can integrate them as a custom module. Documentation on module building here -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7 posts
OK Paul...just looked over your link and think you are pointing me in the right direction -THANKS-, but I got some great php stuff I want to use and it seems the modular info is all centered around smarty tags. I was just thinking maybe the connection would be a module listening for input/return from a custom php file -then takes the data and works with it as smarty tags....THEN I SAW MICHAEL'S POST.....might the missing piece/ I am going to check it out
Thanks Guys
10 years ago
4,335 posts
What do your php scripts do? If we know that maybe we can point you in the right direction.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
7 posts
I had several scripts like form handlers (php files) that received data via http as variables and used it to pull data from custom mysql tables then returned requested info
10 years ago
7,794 posts
There's some real cool stuff in Jamroom 5 that makes dealing with the database pretty simple.

The biggest new thing is called a "datastore"


They're pretty cool in that you don't need to decide on a table structure for your data if you use them.

With flat tables you have:
mod_id | mod_time ........ | mod_??????

Then the values all fixed, but with datastores, its more like an associative array in that you can add more and more stuff to it without needing to change the structure of the database.

Its all geared toward inter-communication between modules, that also allows the end user to extend.

eg: the jrAudio module stores information about an audio file. The jrTag module extends the jrAudio module by allowing users to add tags to audio items. jrAudio doesn't need to know whether jrTag exists or not because jrTag extends jrAudio by adding to its datastore.

Also check out the Form Designer which allows the end user to customize the forms for their own needs.

"Using The Form Designer"

If you use jamroom's way of creating forms, then they can be extended by the end user too.
