solved File Upload limit, php.ini

10 years ago
81 posts

I followed all of the steps outlined here, and no love. My system still says 32MB - Max Allowed in the quota config.

As you can see here:

upload_max_filesize, et al are all set properly. I restarted apache, ran the integrity check, and no change.

Any suggestions?

updated by @elric: 08/14/15 02:59:45AM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Your memory_limit is set to 128M, and JR will use 1/4 of that (32M) since it needs the overhead for file conversions. You need to set your limits to 4 TIMES the max upload you want, then run an integrity check.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
81 posts
It's official. I need to stop looking at screens for at least 72 hours.

Thanks Brian - as always, this community rocks.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
It's official. I need to stop looking at screens for at least 72 hours.

Thanks Brian - as always, this community rocks.

No worries - glad to see that is working :)


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
81 posts
Ack! Now I'm getting 63.8MBupload failed message?!
10 years ago
7,794 posts
its failing during the upload process, that green bar going across the bottom while the upload is happening?

If so check the server error logs, first guess is always 'not enough disk space', next is the destination directory isn't writable so the file cant be saved.
10 years ago
81 posts
It gets through the whole upload process, then says it failed. So, gets to 100%. I uploaded a 35mb file during the same session/same form, and it uploaded fine...
10 years ago
81 posts
Just did an upload, and monitored the server resources in as it uploaded. First a 62mb file, then a 110mb file, both got to 100%, and as soon as it hit 100%, the upload monitor turned orange/yellow and says "upload failed". At no point did the memory and CPU even change. I'm on a dedicated VPS with unlimited storage.
10 years ago
7,794 posts
Sounds like the file is being uploaded to the /tmp directory fine, then failing when being moved into the /data directory

Nothing in the servers error logs like "user can not write to /data ....." or 'does not have permission....'
10 years ago
81 posts
That's what I was thinking, too.

Nope, nothing - The logs are all normal 'cache cleared' stuff.
10 years ago
7,794 posts
Wasn't thinking of the logs in the ACP, but rather the servers logs. Are you able to check them?

On my dev server here, when I login via FTP, or SSH they are found next to the public root folder,

so I have:
/public_html/(Jamroom is here)

That shows the errors and access as reported by apache.
10 years ago
81 posts
Update - was the location of the /tmp folder on my server causing some sort of memory issues!

The logs weren't showing up to my user in the usual location /home/usr , sysadmin has fixed that AND moved the /tmp folder to my root folder.

Looks like everything is fixed, with no regression or other issues!
10 years ago
7,794 posts
Fantastic news. Well done. :)
