just a thought....

8 years ago
28 posts
would it be easier for me to just buy another domain for the jamroom
then i can link it to freebyrd.org? that way there wouldnt be a mail issue.
and if so....
would that domain need to be hosted somewhere else? or just be a valid domain.
I hate to put you guys thru all this stuff if this would be easier....please let me know.

put the jamroom inside a different folder instead of having it in the root?
updated by @dianebrooks: 09/10/17 01:37:35PM
8 years ago
7,788 posts
Hard to say, whats your goal?
8 years ago
28 posts
Hard to say, whats your goal?

to have a nice place for people to come to...to listen to new talent...to see new art or read new books....by the little guy or gal...i think if it will solve the issue, then could it be transferred to the folder i created? i did ask the same question on my ticket
