We've just received notification from our hosting provider (Linode) that there is maintenance scheduled on all of our servers to patch 5 critical XEN vulnerabilities (this is the software that runs the servers). These vulnerabilities are going to be "released" on March 10th, so Linode is taking care of this patching before it becomes public (which is a good thing).
There is no action needed on your part, but there will be a reboot of your server during the assigned maintenance window. We've been told the maintenance window is 2 hours, but will likely just be a few minutes (my personal VPS was rebooted yesterday and was only down a couple of minutes).
For those interested, here is the Security Advisory from Linode:
I just want to let everyone know as well that this is not "normal" - we've been using Linode for years and I can't remember the last time something like this happened, so it's not a common event - these upcoming security advisories must be critical.
If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Most of our servers are scheduled for reboot on March 6th, with a couple on March 3rd. If you'd like to know the exact maintenance window for your server, open a ticket with us and we can let you know.
Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
updated by @brian: 08/06/15 01:43:43PM