Module for displaying just Youtube shorts in Jamroom website?

3 months ago
90 posts
The way the normal Youtube module displays Youtube shorts in index page (with black bars, see attached picture) is not very pleasing, especially for mobile browsers with the portrait cover picture getting pretty small.

Would it be possible to make a module for shorts only, or would it cause problems with two modules working at the same time with the Youtube API?

Or change the current module so that it would automatically adapt to landscape and portrait cover pictures of the video?
2024-07-07 10.43.01.jpg

updated by @k-k: 10/12/24 07:12:07AM
3 months ago
7,713 posts
That doesn't seem too hard. Would you want a separate location for shorts or a different player if its a short.

What we'd need to figure out is: is there a way to identify whether a video is a short or not from the information stored already in the datastore.

And are ALL of the videos you want on your site shorts or are there regular videos too. If there was a mix of both then it starts getting difficult trying to change the player size for each one. But if they're all the same then it might be possible to do with just a skin adjustment.
3 months ago
90 posts
For my use I would like just to have Youtube shorts displayed in index page, with their cover portrait picture coming up without black bars, with daily video changing automatically when it is uploaded in Youtube.

These coming from single Youtube account, which will have normal landscape videos occasionally too, so the index page display for shorts would need to be able to check and reject the "normal" videos.

There is plenty of normal Youtube videos in the site also, so the current youtube module style player would need to remain as it is.