We are coming across bad content from various sites. This is HTML that is technically wrong - in particular missing end tags. An ideal PHP solution would be to tap into Tidy functionality but that does not seem to be installed. The existing JR functions such as jrCore_closetags() are only good for small fragments where adding tags to the end is semantically correct.
Our problem deals with the raw content of an arbitrary web-page captured via cURL. We are making extensive use of HTMLPurifier but there seems to be no JR-resident function available to configure HTMLPurifier to deal with unclosed tags. DOMDocument, by the way, parses the incorrect HTML and produces an incorrect DOM; so it does not help here.
My question: is there a way within the Jamroom platform to correctly fix unclosed HTML tags in an arbitrary (and typically large) string of HTML?
updated by @tig: 07/29/20 05:09:32PM