solved How do I display the txn_total on a profile account

6 years ago
253 posts
I need help with modifying the following code so that I can display the txn_total on a profile using the jrProfileStreamPay module.

This is how I am displaying the audio streams from a profile.

{jrCore_get_count module="jrAudio" name="audio_file_stream" profile_id=$_profile_id assign="audiostreams"}{$audiostreams}

Thanks for your usual help.

updated by @musamensa: 06/28/20 11:09:17AM
5 years ago
917 posts
Have you tried?

{jrCore_get_count module="jrPayment" name="txn_total" item_id=$_item_id }

Or maybe. profile_id=$_profile_id
