As an example let's use the jrBlog_meta and add a piece of data to the array called 'ampify'
function jrBlog_meta(){
$_tmp = array(
'name' => 'Blog',
'url' => 'blog',
'version' => '1.1.18',
'developer' => 'The Jamroom Network, ©' . strftime('%Y'),
'description' => 'Add blogging capabilities to profiles',
'doc_url' => '',
'category' => 'profiles',
'license' => 'mpl'
'ampify' => 'true'
return $_tmp;
What function do I need to add to my custom module's include.php to make this piece of data available to my skin's header.tpl?
The Patria Company - / / - doing Jamroom since v3
updated by @the-patria-company: 06/16/19 10:53:49PM