OR you could use a smarty function in combination with the existing menu.
Currently the Site Builder menu is created with the /modules/jrSiteBuilder/templates/menu.tpl file.
You can over-ride that with normal system by copying it to the skin your using and calling it jrSiteBuilder_menu.tpl.
Docs: "Altering a modules template"
The current menu.tpl file looks like this:
{foreach $_list as $_l0}
<li {if $_post.module_url == $_l0.menu_url}class="active"{/if}>
<a href="{if $_l0.menu_url|substr:0:4 === 'http'}{$_l0.menu_url}{elseif $_l0.menu_url|substr:0:1 === '#'}{$_l0.menu_url}{else}{$jamroom_url}/{$_l0.menu_url}{/if}" onclick="{$_l0.menu_onclick}" class="menu_0_link" data-topic="{$_l0.menu_url}">{$_l0.menu_title}</a>
{if is_array($_l0._children)}
{foreach $_l0._children as $_l1}
<a href="{if $_l1.menu_url|substr:0:4 === 'http'}{$_l1.menu_url}{elseif $_l1.menu_url|substr:0:1 === '#'}{$_l1.menu_url}{else}{$jamroom_url}/{$_l1.menu_url}{/if}" onclick="{$_l1.menu_onclick}" >{$_l1.menu_title}</a>
{if is_array($_l1._children)}
{foreach $_l1._children as $_l2}
<li><a href="{if $_l2.menu_url|substr:0:4 === 'http'}{$_l2.menu_url}{elseif $_l2.menu_url|substr:0:1 === '#'}{$_l2.menu_url}{else}{$jamroom_url}/{$_l2.menu_url}{/if}" onclick="{$_l2.menu_onclick}" >{$_l2.menu_title}</a></li>
You can adjust it by passing it first into your own smarty function
Docs: "Defining your own SMARTY function"
So it becomes
{xxYourCustom_something list=$_list assign="_list"}
{foreach $_list as $_l0}
....... the same stuff as it was before
So in your custom function you accept the current list and adjust as necessary.
OR you could inject via other listener parameters before the template is reached.