solved Sending an email when a solution is applied to a post

White Agency
White Agency
7 years ago
204 posts
We use the forum solution support slightly differently in that it is only available to users in the admin quota. They use it to flag posts that need do or do not need attention etc.

We've now been asked if it can be modified to do the following :-

1: assign an email address to a solution (not all solutions will have an email)
2: when a solution is applied to a post than an email should be sent informing the recipient that there is a post that requires their attention (with a link to the post).

I'm assuming a new module would need writing to listen for when a solution is set and then firing off an email ?

Our PHP skills aren't that great (we're Ruby coders) so any help would be appreciated and we'd be open to paying for bespoke work to be carried out :)


updated by @white-agency: 05/31/18 07:22:55AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
I think this would be straightforward with a custom module that basically just 'listens' for a forum topic update that sets its 'forum_solution' key, then depebdent upon its value, takes the appropriate action sending email(s).
Use the project overview form - - to start a ticket on this where we can pin down a spec. and quote you.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
