Profile datastore from purchase

7 years ago
22 posts
Looking to create a datastore in user profiles to collect info on what theyve purchased.
these items need to be a class of their own.
When a user purchases a specific item a function needs to happen to show exclusive items because they made this purchase.

e.g. i put up a bonus song that users can stream only if they've bought another song.

updated by @tunefeed: 05/19/18 11:07:51AM
7 years ago
7,790 posts
Sounds like you're wanting to make a module, nice one :)

Each module can have its own datastore, but only one datastore per module. (you can however have as many regular MySql tables as you need to support your module)

Developer docs are here:

Docs: Module Developers Guide

Creating a datastore for the module is as easy as adding a line to its schema.php file. Take a look at other modules with schema.php files for reference.

"When a user purchases a specific item a function needs to happen to show exclusive items because they made this purchase. "

Thats the "Events and Listeners" system, add a listener to your module to an appropriate event to check whether the event meets all your required criteria.
