How to become a developer?

7 years ago
48 posts
I am building a module for Jamroom site, I was tyrying to package the module, just to try it, but I can't find or set the 'developer prefix'. How can I become a developer?
updated by @amartins: 05/14/18 01:39:09PM
7 years ago
865 posts
Iirc go to account settings and then the profile tab.
7 years ago
48 posts
Iirc go to account settings and then the profile tab.

I can't find any option there as per attached image.
profile_Jamroom.jpg  •  40KB

7 years ago
10,149 posts
Right now we are not currently adding any 3rd party developer accounts - for now you can just FTP the custom module up to your site.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
48 posts
Ok. Will it be possible to donate the module and share with the community? If so: what do I have to provide?
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Ok. Will it be possible to donate the module and share with the community? If so: what do I have to provide?

Do you plan on supporting the module 3 years from now when people still have questions about it or are reporting issues? :) The main reason we've been avoiding 3rd party developments is that ultimately the support of the module or skin ends up falling to us, and without us developing it we end up having to support something we may never have built in the first place. What does your module do?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
48 posts
The module is part of Wowmusic system and is developed as Proxima module as we need it as a JSON API to use in Android app and later in iOS. We came across the need of a way to link social networks logins with Jamroom accounts with specific criteria of linkage and, when not existing, registration of a new user using the data provided by the social network API.
We've tried OneAll but it doesn't fit our needs, so we have put efforts since last week to build the Jamroom module and add the new features to our current Android SDK for Proxima. Current status is finishing our Proxima SDK new features integration in application an start tests. We've already tested module with a REST Client and it is working as we need, but, again, it needs to be tested more deeply.

The module is done and provide a way to use Proxima like style to login, link, signin using social network logins and also provides a way of link social login with an already existing Jamroom account which has a different email than the used in social login.

All this been said , yes we are planning to support the module in the next 3 years and to provide documentation.

Also we are planning to make our Proxima Android SDK available to others (no conditions yet defined).

Thanks for your help and patience.
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Thank you for the update and the detailed explanation - it sounds like you have put a lot of work into this, so we can definitely get you setup. If you can, please send us an email to support [at] jamroom [dot] net with the account and email address you would like to use and we can get you configured.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
