solved Exclude timeline updates from quota

lets go
8 years ago
118 posts
The issue i am having is that im trying to make audio (audio_file) from a quota not accessible anywhere.

So i have created a skin for the quota.
Created a new audio key with the form designer - audio_tagged_beat

Altered all the templates so instead of field="audio_file" they will play field="audio_tagged_beat" for the viewers to listen to.

Then the buyer will still purchase the "audio_file"

Disabled facebook player for quota.

So the last thing i am seeing is that the audio file can still be heard on timelines.

Dont know what steps to take to prevent audio files from a quota from everyone timeline

updated by @devcentricbeats: 01/30/18 10:32:08PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Edit the jrAudio item_action.tpl templates to suit.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
lets go
8 years ago
118 posts
Thanks, that was it and i am also editing the jrPlaylist_item_action.tpl
