Custom payment module.

8 years ago
253 posts
I would like to know if the upcoming payments module will allow the integration of a local payment platform ( or would I have to build a module from scratch.
updated by @musamensa: 08/08/17 06:50:36PM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
in JR4 we had a separate payment processor script for every payment gateway we supported. They each had to be maintained every time any of the processors changed something.

In JR5 we opted to integrate with Foxycart, so instead of many separate payment gateways to maintain, we only had to maintain one and it could connect to over 100 different payment processors.

This new module sort of goes back to the JR4 structure in that Foxycart become one of the options that plugs in to the module and other plugins can be created.

You probably can build a plugin for paystack, but it probably wont be built by us unless sponsored.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Just to echo what Michael has posted - the new payment module will come with 3 plugins:


If you cannot use Stripe or Paypal, you will want to use FoxyCart since they support over 100 different gateways. However, you could also develop your own but it is far from trivial - every gateway has it's own unique setup and needs. You could sponsor the development of one through us if it is something you really need but it's not supported in FoxyCart.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
