solved Page Module HTML

8 years ago
242 posts
Trying to edit the "source" of a page created by the page module:
Simple Code Test:

<div id="sa_vt_home"></div>
After save the page editor, JR strips out the id from the div above. We set HTML allow "div" in Quota, also tried setting "Allow all HTML tags" in quota. However nothing we do seems to allow div tag above to be saved in a page module page, via the built in page source editor.
Any Ideas?
updated by @softdesigns: 06/15/17 06:38:39PM
8 years ago
7,791 posts
ACP -> MODULES -> CORE -> SYSTEM CORE -> QUOTA CONFIG -> allow ALL HTML tags : checked

should bypass any html validation at all. Its something we really didnt want to add in, but got asked so many times, that it now exists with this warning:

If this options is checked, then ALL HTML tags will be allowed for profiles in this quota.

WARNING! Enabling this option will allow users to embed HTML tags that could compromise your system security or affect the design and/or layout of your pages.

Enabling this option overrides the "Allowed HTML Tags" option below.

with that checked the id will get through to the page.

A better way to do is is to allow the id tag through on divs, in the "allowed HTML tags " add in which will let the id attribute through.
8 years ago
242 posts
Here is what we found:
Quote: ALL HTML tags : checked
FYI: We had this checked, and still - did not work...
Quote: "allowed HTML tags " add in
This worked :)
Great Support - Solved...
updated by @softdesigns: 03/17/17 02:12:24AM
