solved Disk space calculation

8 years ago
584 posts
I just noticed that in the ACP profile browser, it now displays storage. That's awesome. I had a few questions

How is that calculated? if I upload a 10MB audio file, does the storage include the transcoded variants?

Are images and other data included?

Is there a way to call the storage usage amount through a function? e.g. to display to the user or for billing?

Also, I have custom modules that do some additional conversions and store other data. Do I need to do anything to make sure this storage is counted as well?

Finally, is there a plan to measure the amount of DATA an account consumes based on requests?
updated by @dannya: 06/17/17 11:21:34PM
8 years ago
3,603 posts
Not sure if you saw this, but here are a couple tips in SORTING the disk usage column to see where your members are actually using the most space with their content, and where/who/what:

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
8 years ago
584 posts
Yeah saw that, but questions still stand.
8 years ago
584 posts
Bumping this
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Danny - Sorry for the delay on this.
Quote: How is that calculated? if I upload a 10MB audio file, does the storage include the transcoded variants?
Quote: Are images and other data included?
Quote: Is there a way to call the storage usage amount through a function? e.g. to display to the user or for billing?
Yes - Part of the profile datastore variable - profile_disk_usage - so should be available for use within the templates
Quote: Also, I have custom modules that do some additional conversions and store other data. Do I need to do anything to make sure this storage is counted as well?
If your custom modules store files using Jamroom functions and procedures, then yes.
Quote: Finally, is there a plan to measure the amount of DATA an account consumes based on requests?
Not that I'm aware of. Maybe Brian can comment on this.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Quote: Finally, is there a plan to measure the amount of DATA an account consumes based on requests?

No plans - there's just no way to even get close to accurate when measuring bandwidth usage at the JR level (PHP). The problem is that when someone clicks to stream an audio file (for example), that file is sent to the web server's buffer in like 2 seconds, so even if the "listener" only streams 20k of the file, all 20mb will be counted as "bandwidth".

Something would have to be created custom at the network level to monitor individual profile bandwidth, and I'm not sure how that would even be done.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 03/15/17 07:07:22PM
