change pay pal item number

lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
Is it possible to change the item number on the pay pal purchase page to something i create from the audio form designer.

I've noticed that the pay pal number is the item number, could i just change it in the module index.php
updated by @devcentricbeats: 06/22/16 06:52:43AM
9 years ago
7,791 posts
not sure what you're wanting to achieve.
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
Create a snapshot for you. When a song is being purchased through pay pal and you are on the pal pal purchase page it has the name of the song, item number, item price and quantity.
The 'pay pal number' in the module's data browser is the 'item number' on the pay pal payment page.
I want the item number to read something else by default
9 years ago
7,791 posts
pretty sure that's the code to ensure the right file gets delivered. What do you want to change it to?
9 years ago
865 posts
I think I asked Brian about this in the past and it can't be changed. Something to do with foxycart iirc.
lets go
9 years ago
118 posts
@micheal I added screenshot of a pay pal purchase page from a different websites product that i was trying to duplicate.

In all wanted to add another audio file and also a text file to the item being purchase.

I added more options with the form designer for audio uploads but when the file is purchase the system only sends the 'item number / pay pal number'.

So basically i wanted to add a select_text that would show on the purchase page and a additional audio_file that could be downloaded with the purchase.
myflash.png  •  31KB

updated by @devcentricbeats: 03/24/16 12:08:58AM
