were can i find the words Inside these tag keys example {$system_name}

9 years ago
78 posts
hi friends - were can I find the words / info inside of these tags ? - like this one

updated by @cadberry: 06/18/16 12:17:06PM
9 years ago
7,789 posts
That function is found in the footer of all the skins and it adds the small link back here to jamroom.net

In the templates it reads:
{* An auto footer that rotates phrases to help jamroom.net.  If you like jamroom, leave this here. We'd appreciate it.  Thanks! *}
Its your site and your free to remove it but we appreciate it being left there.

The function is defined at smarty_function_jrCore_powered_by() in smart.php
/modules/jrCore/lib/smarty.php around line 3300 ish
9 years ago
78 posts
ok - thanks
9 years ago
78 posts
also I must have accidentally took away a character while changing this and now the profile pictures are gone- the system can't read the bath or something - (it has the broken image picture)
9 years ago
78 posts
for the last reply I made - i found out that ( when i do make those changes to the web address ) for the footer and powered by that's when the (broken image icon) show up for every profile picture & icons - I fix it by reloading the core - but how can i get around the footer info , if this happens every time - I've this over 5 times already and just kept reloading the core
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Can you attach your footer code here? Should be easy to spot...

Should look similar to this if you are replacing the jamroom ad

  {* Text *}
            <div class="col6 last"> 
                    <div id="footer_text"> 
                        <a href="/sitemap.xml">Copyright 2016 MY SITE NAME</a> <br>

updated by @derrickhand300: 03/09/16 10:54:44PM
9 years ago
78 posts
I'm trying to replace the footer's powered by name and web address link
and when I try in the smarty.php - it makes the system not recognize any pictures or icons
9 years ago
1,353 posts
Can you attach your footer code here? Should be easy to spot...
9 years ago
78 posts
I've tried footer for smarty.php therw modules /jrcore lib/ and pro jam light footer.tpl - when i make changes to the web address broken image icon appears - were exactly should look for the footer ?
9 years ago
7,789 posts
The docs for developers are here:

Docs: Developer -> Table of Contents:

The full docs are here:

Docs: Table of contents

You need to describe what you are doing in order to receive help if we cant understand the steps you are taking we can offer no useful advice.
