solved jrAction_item_index

10 years ago
917 posts
When I make a custom jrAction_item_index.tpl I get a mysterious

<div class="col8 last">

This is not in my profile_item_index.tpl
updated by @nate: 02/03/16 04:23:29PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
When I make a custom jrAction_item_index.tpl I get a mysterious

<div class="col8 last">

This is not in my profile_item_index.tpl

It wouldn't be - it would be in your profile_header.tpl or profile_footer.tpl - typically a profile is setup so the "sidebar" is either in the header or footer (depending if you want it on the left or right), and the "opening" div for the profile body is in the header, and the closing div for the body is in the footer.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
Yeah, I get it. This is the only module that shows this element.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yeah, I get it. This is the only module that shows this element.

That col class (col8) is not in the default jrAction_item_index.tpl file - make sure you've not added it in.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
It's really weird. I have already overwritten the module templates. Could it be saved somehow? I have looked but I can't understand where it's coming from.

This skin overwrites most module templates and none of them even use col8. the profile_item_index.tpl did use it initially. But that was removed yesterday and jrAction_item_index.tpl has also been written using a col4 col6 and a col2 and they are all being inserting into the col 8 only on the "timeline" url. The rest of the modules work as expected.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
It's really weird. I have already overwritten the module templates. Could it be saved somehow? I have looked but I can't understand where it's coming from.

Look in the modules -> Profile Timeline -> templates and see if it has been customized, as well as skins -> active skin -> templates.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
I get the same thing on the audio album page but not on the audio index page.

If I remove the profile_item_index.tpl the pages both still show. The pages working properly do not.
updated by @nate: 12/22/15 09:56:40AM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Possible locations for over-ride of jrAction's 'item_index.tpl'
#1: In the ACP at MODULES -> ACTION -> TEMPLATES -> item_index.tpl
#2: In the skins as jrAction_item_index.tpl
#3: In the ACP at SKINS -> (current skin) -> TEMPLATES -> jrAction_item_index.tpl

It can get confusing if there is are multiple over-rides in multiple locations.

Check in the database at jr_jrcore_template to see if there are any ACP overrides
updated by @michael: 12/22/15 04:40:25PM
10 years ago
917 posts
It was the profile_item_list.tpl loading jrAction_item_index.tpl. On this part I am certain.

updated by @nate: 12/22/15 07:53:33PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
"profile_item_list.tpl is loading jrAction_item_index.tpl"... but the problem is the cache is not clearing out? Could it be there is a smarty error somewhere in jrAction_item_index.tpl thats causing the cached version not to be able to update.

Could try deleting via FTP all the stuff in:

So that we know old versions of the cache cant be used. That might drag a new error to the surface.
updated by @michael: 12/22/15 07:58:03PM
10 years ago
917 posts
I inserted this the words here I am into the profile_item_list.tpl

Then I clicked timeline on the menu.
5.jpg  •  223KB

10 years ago
7,791 posts
ok, I'm missing the point by the looks of things.

To try to get the point, I've copied /modules/jrAction/templates/item_index.tpl to /skins/jrElastic/jrAction_item_index.tpl

Nothing unusual happens. I've added HERE IS THE SOMETHING to that template to confirm its working, it is.

My profile item list code looks like this (unchanged):
{if $profile_disable_sidebar != 1}
<div class="col9 last">{else}
<div class="col12 last">{/if}

That is in that structure in case one of the modules wants to disable the sidebar by using the {jrProfile_disable_sidebar} function.

any of that useful? what am i missing to get me to understand what needs to happen/stop happening?
10 years ago
917 posts
I'm doing the same thing and something is very much happening. I can duplicate it at will.
updated by @nate: 12/22/15 09:01:21PM
10 years ago
917 posts
I need to delete these images once, you're done, so please respond when you see them. My client want's it hush hush.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
got the images, deleted them.

Not understanding the problem though.

The full contents of jrElastic profile_item_list.tpl is
{if $profile_disable_sidebar != 1}
<div class="col9 last">{else}
<div class="col12 last">{/if}
Its only purpose is to wrap {$profile_item_list_content} with either a section the DOES ore DOES NOT contain the sidebar.

In your screenshots it does contain the sidebar.

What I'm understanding is your getting:
<div class="col8 last">
appearing somewhere in there that is not wanted.

is it coming in from with profile_item_list.tpl or outside or coiming in from {$profile_item_list_content}

Maybe change it to:
{if $profile_disable_sidebar != 1}
<div class="col9 last">{else}
<div class="col12 last">{/if}

and see where the class="col8 last" comes out relative to that:
* before aaaaaaaa then its coming from profile_header.tpl
* after bbbbbbbbbbb then its coming from $profile_item_list_contents

or turn on the "template name in source" option in Developer Tools module to get the template names output to source code.
10 years ago
917 posts
I'm not having a problem anymore. I resolved it by making both the profile_item_index.tpl and the profile_item_list.tpl both the same. Neither use col8.

What I'm telling you now is there is a bug in jrAction module. The index page is being loaded via the profile_item_list.tpl. I suspect most designers have the same code in both templates so the bug was never noticed.

10 years ago
917 posts
Oh and this happens on 2 separate installs.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Thanks, I'll write up a ticket on it and ask Doug to take a look at it.
10 years ago
917 posts
To test it, delete the profile_item_index.tpl and then go to the timeline index page. It shouldn't work but it will.
10 years ago
7,791 posts
These are the templates i see with which is which notes:
10 years ago
10,149 posts
It was the profile_item_list.tpl loading jrAction_item_index.tpl. On this part I am certain.

profile_item_list.tpl does NOT load jrAction_item_index.tpl - the profile_index.tpl loads jrAction_item_index.tpl:

<div class="col9 last">
    {jrCore_include module="jrAction" template="item_index.tpl"}
    {jrComment_form module="jrProfile" profile_id=$_profile_id item_id=$_item_id}

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
I know that how it's suppose to work. I placed text inside the templates to identify them.

Take a look. Please delete the images when done.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Hmmm - I'll see if I can replicate that here and see what is up.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
If there is no bug I'd sure like an explanation for the above images.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I think I see what you're getting at - basically the profile_item_list.tpl is being used on the timeline index - it should be profile_item_index.tpl.

I'm not sure why that is but am checking it out.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
10,149 posts
This is fixed in Profiles module version 1.4.0b9 - update and let me know if that fixes it for you.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
Glad to help :-).
