need help developing advanced search (partially completed)

10 years ago
3,304 posts
no offence to the jr team who I have massive love and respect for (and I am eternally greatful) but the jr search is just not useable for my needs I search by the exact title of a forum post, and that post shows up on page 20 buried beneath a ton of irrelevant, or barely relevant fact yesterday looking for a video on my video list I had to go through 87 pages of search results to find the 1 I wanted

so my solution
build a full search engine using solr

note; cannot be used on jr hosted sites because it requires solr installed on the server (or can be run on a separate server or even multiple servers (possibly can be added to the cloud?) (now that I think if it it might be possible to use on jr servers if jr is willing to maintain a solr search server for all jr hosted sites)

also because every sites diferent this would be considered an advanced module requiring customization to your sites needs

anyway, before this gets too long, the solr search has customizable relevance, it has the ability to offer suggested searches as you type,related searches, "people who searched for this also searched for...." results (more geared towards e-commerce like related products searches)
in short its extremely powerful scalable and customizable

now because I lack the php skills I might need a lil help finishing it off
I hired a freelancer through but it seems hes delivering less then I originaly expected, and now wanting twice, three times the money and that's not even to get it 1/3 completed.
(although from the parts he does I can duplicate and modify to complete 2 other related sections)

I might after doing that be able to figure out enough to eventualy get some of the other sections together, and then pull it all together into a full site search..
however, if anyones else finds the jr search seriously lacking and would like to help build it on my site 1st as a test.demo site then adapt it to your own and other sites (and maybe package it as a module) I would love to collaborate cause I just cant afford to pay this guy any more then I have already.

so far, I have a completed script that indexes my featured forums posts and my main site forums (but not other profile forums (there aren't any really in use right now so low priority but should be included in final version) I should have the photos indexing script done soon, and the site search integration complete soon

working from what hes put together so far (slowly) it shouldn't be hard at all for someone who knows the code and module development to recreate and adapt it to each section

i'm going to try to do as much as I can on my own, but its a lot of trial and error (mostly error) for me to get it done i'm sure many of you could do more in an hour then I can in 4 days

once complete id love to share it with everyone whod want to use it (if I get help from an established developer whod want to offer it for sale that would be quite alright with me but since I have invested much more then I can afford already, if ya wanna share a lil % that would be cool)

if I don't get help, i'll probably just offer it as a detailed advanced tip free)

final note, although I'm developing this for a far better site search, what its built on can be used to develop a full web search engine, in fact duckduckgo is built on it,

I had literaly tried 100 other site search solutions even bought a couple that were total failures
looked into hosted solutions (because of the size of my site most would charge me 50,000 a month!)
after a good 4 months of searching ..solr was the only option that made sense and will be a massive improvement on the jr search

I should have a partial demo on at least a couple site sections in a couple weeks..ish

anyone willing to help can help offer a drasticly improved search option

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities

updated by @soaringeagle: 09/28/15 11:14:50AM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
there is "Google Custom Search" as a free option:
10 years ago
3,304 posts
only searches documents indexed by google
not entire site
thats why i rejected it
solr is a free option if it wasnt too complicated for me to figure out on my own

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
very early beta version
only searches forums so far with no pagination for more results
that, and photo gallery search coming sunday

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Yeah, thats looking nice!

Thought I remember you saying it had fuzzy logic searching. I tried 'srampoo' and expected to see the results for 'shampoo' and 'sjampoo'(there was that in a search result) but it came back empty.

Still looking nice though. :)
updated by @michael: 08/28/15 08:13:31PM
10 years ago
3,304 posts
that has to be added in
suggestions, auto correct, you might also like... people who searched for also searched for.;
the "intro to solr for beginers"{ videos are 2 hours long

thats what im saying it can be built into ma very advanced search module
its beyond my skill level
and beyond your time constraints so if any non jr team developers want to colaborate
we cajn create a awesome advanced search
if jr wants to offer it as a possible upgrade it is the most worthwhile alternative

you can customize relevance both with weights and positions but also drag and drop pages u want to rank higher etc

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
10 years ago
3,304 posts
in fact can you suggest anyone whod maybe be willing to help finish it off and offer it as a "as is' search that then they would have to customize
heres what i got so far (did not include the solr files itself)
note index.php searches featured forums forum the main forum photos does not work right yet will this weekend\

search parses the solr data into a json file index.html accepts the search queries passes them to results results each link links to a details with a more detailed view of the search result then to the actual page
zip  •  237KB

head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
