Adding links to "Threaded Forum"

10 years ago
435 posts
Hi Everyone,

Some time ago I asked about having a threaded forum, since the forum offered is flat. The work around was this:

"gary.moncrieff:...I have set up a profile called Community...

That's a good idea. Setup one profile in a quota of its own to act as the central profile. - See more at:"

Which was going to bring me to my next question that is kind of answered in the above quote/post. I need a link for each post in my forum. When I copied and pasted the above quote/post, it produced this:


Which I am assuming is the link associated with that post.

So what I am looking for (if that is indeed the a link) is to have an icon located at the top each post, that would contain the actual link code embedded into that icon.

Is that possible in the near future?

I would really like to make the jump to Jamroom, but these items are holding me up and I can't move without them.


updated by @perrie: 04/01/15 01:11:59PM
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Could you take a quick read over your post and see if its not missing something please. Im having trouble understanding it. My guess is some parts aren't there that should be.
10 years ago
435 posts
I updated my comment and I hope that I have clarified myself better. Please let me know. :)
10 years ago
7,791 posts
Sorry still lost:
Some time ago I asked about having a threaded forum, since the forum offered is flat.
.. ok, i didn't read that conversation, do i need to? Where is it?

Quote: The work around was this: "gary.moncrieff:...I have set up a profile called Community... That's a good idea. Setup one profile in a quota of its own to act as the central profile.

You want to setup a single profile to hold the main site forum. It is a good idea.

Quote: Which was going to bring me to my next question that is kind of answered in that quote. I need a link for each post in that workaround. I see when I did a copy and pasted the above quote, it produced this:
I've missed the question and am unsure of what the quote is. Starting to get lost about here.

sorry. :(

What Im guessing your wanting is some code? to put some images in the links for the profile tab buttons but as icons?

So Im getting "How do I add icons to the links of available module on the profiles?"
A: There is a thread about this exact subject here:

"Images on profile tabs, is it possible."
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Some time ago I asked about having a threaded forum, since the forum offered is flat.

If you need a "threaded forum" then you will want to use the Group Discussions module as your "forum" - the Profile Forum module for Jamroom (it's what we are using here, right now, in this thread) is not "threaded" nor will it be.

However, if you use the Group Discussions module, it uses the Comments module for all "comments" on items, and comments can be threaded, so you should be good to go with that.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
435 posts
Hi Brian,

I have two questions for you.

I have a concern about using the group discussion mod as my main forum. My site has also many groups. Will I be able to run a group discussion as my main forum and also have all my groups at the same time?

The next question has to do with comment links. On Ning, when there is a comment posted, there is an associated link to each comment. There is a little icon on the top left hand corner that looks like a little link. When you right click it, it produces the comment number. This is a necessity for my group, as we often refer to them to find comments. Is there a way to provide that for the forum that you described above?

BTW, does Jamroom provide a full text editor for comments in the groups? That is also needed.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi Brian,

I have two questions for you.

I have a concern about using the group discussion mod as my main forum. My site has also many groups. Will I be able to run a group discussion as my main forum and also have all my groups at the same time?

Sure - create a profile called "community" or "forum" and create a profile group on that profile just to use as your "forum".

The next question has to do with comment links. On Ning, when there is a comment posted, there is an associated link to each comment. There is a little icon on the top left hand corner that looks like a little link. When you right click it, it produces the comment number. This is a necessity for my group, as we often refer to them to find comments. Is there a way to provide that for the forum that you described above?

Yes - Jamroom has a link to every item in the system - including individual comments. None of our customers have ever asked for it, so it is not something in our templates, but it's just a URL.

BTW, does Jamroom provide a full text editor for comments in the groups? That is also needed.


Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
435 posts
Yes - Jamroom has a link to every item in the system - including individual comments. None of our customers have ever asked for it, so it is not something in our templates, but it's just a URL.

OK so could this URL be embedded into an icon that could be click on?

I would include a screenshot, but I don't see how to embed that.
updated by @perrie: 02/26/15 03:00:26PM
10 years ago
435 posts
OK an embed option only happens when I go to update my comment. How odd. Even stranger is that if I click on the little pic I get a totally different screenshot than if I click on the words screen shot. Please use the words to see the little yellow link that Ning has.
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie, when i click on your embedded pic image thumbnail, it opens the whole screenshot up for me.

Also, and not sure if this helps you or not- I got the two Marketplace modules called Editor Image Upload and Editor Embedded Media. I think they enable better ability to add stuff to posts. See the Marketplace descriptions for those two modules. On this support forum, the JR team does not have a bunch of rich text type editors enabled, becuase they want to keep this forum 'all business'. At least that's what I've understood.

With those two modules enabled, when I am posting in my site, I get the following text editor and can embed just about anything right off the bat. Plus, if I click on the tiny video (media) icon, it gives me choices of inserting into my post soundcloud clips, videos, audio, images from local galleries or from my computer, and other options. See screenshot.
I use a profile named "Forums" to 'own' all my site forums. (There are tweaks in the ningja skin made so that the 'Forums' member's profile info doesnt show up in the sidebar).
forumreply.jpg  •  91KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 02/26/15 08:14:47PM
10 years ago
435 posts

Thanks so much for that information. That is a terrific text editor.
So really all I need to know is about the link situation and I think I am ready to take the leap, so to speak.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Perrie - As Brian said above, it can be done, its just that we've never had occasion to do it.
Here's a direct link to a comment on one of my sites -

To do it you would include the following code in the template

<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item._profile_url}/{$murl}/{$item._item_id}">Comment Link</a>

I know the above is probably meaningless to you at this point but just want to give you confidence that it can be done and we'll show you how when it comes to it.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
435 posts
Hi Paul,

Well I am glad that there is some sort of code that it can be done. OK with that answered, in honor of Leonard Nimoy, I will purchase a hard drive back up and take the leap to the "Final Frontier".
10 years ago
3,603 posts
Yay! :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
10 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Paul,

Well I am glad that there is some sort of code that it can be done. OK with that answered, in honor of Leonard Nimoy, I will purchase a hard drive back up and take the leap to the "Final Frontier".

Super - Looking forward to seeing your imported site.

"Live Long and Prosper"

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist