YouTube Module Start Time

10 years ago
514 posts
Doing some testing with the YouTube module, it doesn't appear that the module accepts a start time. Entering the straight video link works fine, but entering the video with a start time returns an error. An example: won't work.
updated by @jimmy: 03/08/15 08:10:54AM
10 years ago
4,335 posts
All the module will do if that URL is entered is try to extract the 11 character youtube ID. It does not accept any further parameters.
But the error is because its a domain. If you enter the equivalent url, its ok -
[quoteCut For Time: Morning News - SNL]

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 01/30/15 12:20:00PM
10 years ago
514 posts
I've entered several domains and they've all been accepted.

Really should think about adding the time parameter. A lot of people use that feature on YT especially with longer videos which the poster just wants a section of the video.
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I've entered several domains and they've all been accepted.

Really should think about adding the time parameter. A lot of people use that feature on YT especially with longer videos which the poster just wants a section of the video.

Go into the Form Designer for the create/update YouTube forms and create a new field called "youtube_time" of type "text". Then you can add:


to the URL in the item_detail.tpl file.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 01/30/15 02:30:24PM
10 years ago
514 posts
I've entered several domains and they've all been accepted.

Really should think about adding the time parameter. A lot of people use that feature on YT especially with longer videos which the poster just wants a section of the video.

Go into the Form Designer for the create/update YouTube forms and create a new field called "youtube_time" of type "text". Then you can add:


to the URL in the item_detail.tpl file.

Hope this helps!

Excellent. Thanks for the info!
10 years ago
10,149 posts
No problem!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
514 posts
I'll tell ya, along with the excellent coding and features, the guys running JR have to be some of the nicest most helpful Patriots fans around. Try dealing with the IPS IP board developers... it's berate city.
updated by @jimmy: 01/30/15 04:12:41PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
I'll tell ya, along with the excellent coding and features, the guys running JR have to be some of the nicest most helpful Patriots fans around. Try dealing with the IPS IP board developers... it's berate city.

Jimmy - just noticed your profile is set to private so others aren't able to see your posts - could you set your profile privacy to global so others could see your posts?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
514 posts
Sure, not a problem.
10 years ago
514 posts
I'll tell ya, along with the excellent coding and features, the guys running JR have to be some of the nicest most helpful Patriots fans around. Try dealing with the IPS IP board developers... it's berate city.

Jimmy - just noticed your profile is set to private so others aren't able to see your posts - could you set your profile privacy to global so others could see your posts?


Come on Brian... no mention about the "Patriots" comment in my most? I was expecting a, "who you callin a Pats fan." LOL! I'm an Eagles fan and GO SEAHAWKS - I dislike the Patriots!
updated by @jimmy: 01/30/15 07:53:12PM
10 years ago
514 posts

Go into the Form Designer for the create/update YouTube forms and create a new field called "youtube_time" of type "text". Then you can add:

Where is that located? Do I need to have the Simple Custom Forms installed? There isn't anything for YT listed under the "Forms" dropdown of the left of the ACP.
10 years ago
4,335 posts
As admin, from your profile, click on the YouTube button, then Create (plus sign). See the Form Designer button there, top right.
When you've added in the extra form field, goto a YouTube update form and do the same again.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
10 years ago
514 posts
As admin, from your profile, click on the YouTube button, then Create (plus sign). See the Form Designer button there, top right.
When you've added in the extra form field, goto a YouTube update form and do the same again.

Thanks Paul!
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Come on Brian... no mention about the "Patriots" comment in my most? I was expecting a, "who you callin a Pats fan." LOL! I'm an Eagles fan and GO SEAHAWKS - I dislike the Patriots!

OH Man - this is what I get when I'm quickly "scanning" the forum - overlooked this!

I hope the Hawks smoke the Pats tomorrow - not sure if that is going to happen as this year has just been so "up and down" but they are in the SB again, so I'm happy :) Who's gonna be your QB if Foles leaves?

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
514 posts
Come on Brian... no mention about the "Patriots" comment in my most? I was expecting a, "who you callin a Pats fan." LOL! I'm an Eagles fan and GO SEAHAWKS - I dislike the Patriots!

OH Man - this is what I get when I'm quickly "scanning" the forum - overlooked this!

I hope the Hawks smoke the Pats tomorrow - not sure if that is going to happen as this year has just been so "up and down" but they are in the SB again, so I'm happy :) Who's gonna be your QB if Foles leaves?

I really hope the Seahawks take it. The Pats are really shady - deflategate, once caught spying and the rumors of the spying on the Eagles in the 2004 SB. I'll guess we'll know Sun night.

I don't thing Foles is going to leave, at least I haven't heard anything about him. Chip Kelly is very closed lip about his moves. Foles is ok, though I don't think he's a SB winning QB. Philly fans are very use to saying "next year".
