solved Jamroom New User

10 years ago
917 posts
I'm just about done with an Android app for selling music. I just got stripe tested and set up. I need to create user account now. Doing this with an app is gonna be brand new to me. I thought I'd start here.

I have the user email and password. What else would I need to properly create a user account?

What authentication would you recommend or jamroom require?

That's the end of the question. I wanna answer a question now that Brian asked me long ago and I couldn't really answer.

What's the benefits of an app vs browser? The answer is.... The UI. It's more intuitive. Plus the app only does one thing. Promote music. They know how apps work. All apps pretty much work the same. lol

updated by @nate: 02/10/15 04:12:02PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
All you need is an email and password, and I would make sure the registration happens over SSL.

Make sure and check out Proxima:

the "user" service provides an API for creating user accounts.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
I did look at Proxima and meant to mention it in my question. Can I use it solely for authentication? I need to use my own module for building lists and transactions. Does it have docs?
updated by @nate: 01/02/15 02:37:16PM
10 years ago
917 posts
Also I have a push notifications id from GCM I need to store for each device.
updated by @nate: 01/02/15 02:36:17PM
10 years ago
10,149 posts
Yep - you can use it for authentication. Here's a guide to the user service:

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
917 posts
