Audio player module similar to ?

12 years ago
517 posts
I think this has been asked before but just want to bring it into the spotlight again. Is there a Jamroom Developer that can create an Audio player similar to I want my viewers to be able to browse other parts of the site while listening to music. In my JR4 site, I acheived this by doing a popup window. Looking for something more 2013ish =)
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 12/26/13 09:20:02AM
12 years ago
4,335 posts
Over the years several JR users have approached me wanting a player in the header or footer that stays playing whilst browsing the site, so if anyone can come up with one, it should be a winner.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
12 years ago
10,149 posts
I know how to do this, it's just not something I've ever spent time doing. The way it has to work is this (I want to call it the "Jamroom Audio Engine"):

1) When clicking on a play button, the javascript checks to see if a popup window for the audio engine has been previously created - if not, it pops one open
2) the popup window loads and has the "core" audio player in it and is a very small window with some text in it that says "minimize this window and your audio will play across the site" or whatever
3) all plays are played through the child window - this lets it keep streaming while you're moving around in the regular browser window
4) a floating menu bar gives you audio controls over the child window.

So you can think of the small popup just containing the media engine - what it actually does is controlled on the main site.

One of these days I will get around to making that - it would be a ton of work but really cool ;)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
6 posts
I have developed this player in wordpress. Check it out at I may be interested in converting this wordpress plugin into Jamroom 5 module if I see enough interest.

If somebody would be kind enough to list few features then I may start as early as december. Plus I need to go over Jamroom 5 module developer doc from top to end.
updated by @elixir: 11/16/13 10:57:28PM
12 years ago
517 posts
@elixir as long as you back your work and it's a reasonable price, I'd back it. Seen many module developers come and go over the past few years. Not that I've been here long or anything...
12 years ago
10,149 posts
I have developed this player in wordpress. Check it out at I may be interested in converting this wordpress plugin into Jamroom 5 module if I see enough interest.

This is really nice - I like how you have it setup. However, it looks like it is setup as a "one page" AJAX app (all the sections load via AJAX) - that's not going to work with page transitions like JR skins use.

I do like how you're updating the URL though - nice work on that.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
12 years ago
6 posts
I will start reading the docs after my semester ends and see if its possible to convert to Jamroom module without too much issues. I am very bad with user interface designs though.

@iLoveHouseMusic : I will back it once I get done. Price will be comparable to other Jamroom modules we will have on the marketplace.

@brian : It definitely is an ajax app but not driven from one page. Its multiple pages but the javascript loads the clicked page via ajax. So technically its a site with page transitions like JR skins use but using js to navigate through the pages.
12 years ago
7,799 posts
looks slick.
12 years ago
517 posts
@elixir - that's Clean - I'd pay for that.

@brian - yeah if you could work to get it compatible with JR5, i'm all over it. I'm your first customer for sure.
12 years ago
517 posts
Just doing more research. RDIO uses a similar style player BUT it refreshes when the page changes. BOOO! Anyways, I have a budget for this type of player if someone wants to work with me on it. I kinda want this to be a feature of my JR5 site before I launch it. So, PM me if anyone wants to dev this for me, I'd like an idea of what it might cost. Would be nice if the Jamroom team of developers could create and support it. I'm telling you this would be a sick module for those doing audio based sites. Thanks!
12 years ago
6 posts
i will have some free time to work/test such module after my current semester ends (mid dec). If I can get the page navigation via ajax and without reloading the entire page for any jamroom page, then it would be a viable module.

The biggest issue about this type of module is the compatibility with other modules. For wordpress, I never released this player as a plug and play plugin because it wasn't possible to make it compatible with every other plugins out there. Therefore, I personally installed it for those who really wanted it. I am suspecting same issue will arise in Jamroom too and releasing this as an independent module would be a pain and I will garner a lot dissatisfied customer. Another issue will be when Jamroom or any other module upgrades happen.

Also, JR5 comes in with built in HTML5 player. That means, some of the template for the jrAudio Module needs to be changed in order for this module to take over the playing of sound. Another similar issue is the jrSoundcloud module. There are number of issues that I don't know yet how to handle.
12 years ago
517 posts
@elixir - Understood. I dont have a problem removing the HTML Player calls from tpl files to allow for the new player. Also, I will be using it for Nova on one site, and ProJam for another site - so I can help you test both platforms.
Thanks just keep me posted!
