solved Invalid Activation Key!

10 years ago
129 posts
we have install the fresh jamroom on my server but when we sign up a account and trying to validate then we have got (Invalid Activation Key!) this error message.

We have checked the database entry and validation code sent via mail both are same.
updated by @sbhadauria: 07/27/14 11:32:37PM
10 years ago
10,148 posts
we have install the fresh jamroom on my server but when we sign up a account and trying to validate then we have got (Invalid Activation Key!) this error message.

We have checked the database entry and validation code sent via mail both are same.

Then something else is interfering with the URL - if you see the key in the DB and it matches what is in the email. Are you running any custom modules?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
10 years ago
129 posts
yes, we have lots of custom modules.
10 years ago
129 posts
I have got the issue.

// Make sure account has been created
$_params = array(
'search' => array(
"user_validate = {$_post['_1']}"
'privacy_check' => false
$_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('jrUser', $_params);

Above mentioned query is not working, when I use "'skip_triggers' => true" in above query then I get the result.

what is the issue behind this and how can I change core file ?
10 years ago
7,746 posts
So the account validation key is not working because the account hasn't been created... makes sense.

Which one of your custom modules is stopping the account from being created. Turn that one off.

Above mentioned query is not working, when I use "'skip_triggers' => true" in above query then I get the result.

The more information you can give makes it easier to help you. The goals your trying to achieve.

If you ask cryptic questions they tend to get ignored.
    $_params = array(
        'search'        => array(
            "user_validate = 1fc5a6305ae33377ebd579cba4042959"
        'privacy_check' => false,
        'skip_triggers' => true
    $_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('jrUser', $_params);
Works for me.

what is the issue behind this and how can I change core file ?
Detail what you think the issue is, then how to reproduce it, then outline what you want to change.
10 years ago
129 posts
account is created and I have checked the database.

$_params = array(
'search' => array(
"user_validate = 1fc5a6305ae33377ebd579cba4042959"
'privacy_check' => false,

$_rt = jrCore_db_search_items('jrUser', $_params);

above mentioned function not provide me userinfo but when I added 'skip_triggers' => true then it works.
10 years ago
7,746 posts
Please provide steps to replicate the situation. Here is a screenshot of it working both with skip_triggers and without. You can see both sets of results contain user information.
updated by @michael: 06/19/14 11:21:50PM
10 years ago
129 posts
I have got the issue. I have created a custom module and when I disable then account validation working fine.

How to check the custom module that why it's occur issue.
10 years ago
129 posts
Thanks guys, I have fixed the issue it's comes from my custom module event listener.
10 years ago
10,148 posts
Thanks guys, I have fixed the issue it's comes from my custom module event listener.

Glad to hear that's fixed - thanks!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
