Error 500 on installation

11 years ago
81 posts
Hi JR people,

I'm trying to install the 5.1.31 on my dev server (hosted at JBServers, so definitely Jamroom friendly)

1. Upload to my public_html directory
2. Extract files/folders into public_html directory via Cpanel/File Browser
3. Navigate to the install directory on my browswer:
4. Get Error 500

Nothing showing up in the error logs via cpanel, and don't have shell access.

Any ideas?

updated by @elric: 04/21/14 06:02:56AM
11 years ago
517 posts
Usually JBServers will put the newest Jamroom package on there for you when you sign up. So you can access the install.php and hit the ground running. Have you submitted a ticket with them? From my experience, that cpanel/file browser is a quirky one. Have you tried with a FTP client?
updated by @ilovehousemusic: 03/20/14 01:46:54PM
11 years ago
81 posts
Yeah, gonna try to FTP the extracted files. I'm an existing reseller customer on JBServers, so no install.php. Will try this upload first, if that doesn't work, a ticket with JB. DJ is always pretty awesome for tech support.
11 years ago
2,804 posts
Make sure your not trying to install over a JR4 install. JR5 and JR4 are not compatible.


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
11 years ago
81 posts
Man..the simplest answers. Seems something was happening to the files when I extracted them from the Zip. Thanks House!
11 years ago
7,799 posts
I've seen the same issue. I also like the "upload the zip, then unpack it on the server" route. Much quicker.

But the problem is that the permissions get preserved. So I think jbservers wants the folders set to 755 and the files to 644.

But unzipping the package via the file manager in cpanel sets them to 700 and something else.

But when you upload all the files individually via FTP the permissions get set correctly.

little bit of a pain, but easier than running round looking for files permissioned wrongly.
