solved Invitation to private groups

5 years ago
11 posts
I have a question about the group module. If I create a private group and set the checkbox "Allow membership requests" to False. How do I then get members into this group?

I have tried to use the invitation module for this. But when the invited user gets the message, he still can't join this group.

Maybe there is a template that needs to be customized?

Thanks a lot.

updated by @swenmaertin: 06/30/20 08:17:58PM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
You do need to check the 'Allow Applicants' box. If it is a Private group, the group owner will be notified. If the application is then accepted, the applicant will be notified and will then have access to the group.
There is no way for users to be added to groups without their consent or knowledge.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
11 posts
Hello, Paul,

I guess I misspoke. I've already figured out the whole accepting requests thing. But what about private groups where I don't allow requests? In this group I am all alone, without any possibility to add others.

In this context I have a second question: Can I add a certain part of my members to a certain group without having to confirm the request with 300? A database script would help me here.

Thanks a lot
updated by @swenmaertin: 02/26/20 05:50:58AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
Hi Swen
As said, Jamroom doesn't support users being added to groups by the group owners. What you would need to do is enable group applications then invite the users either directly, or via the Invite module. When they have then all joined, you can then disable group applications.
Off course, this could be done directly on the database. The 'jr_jrgroup_member' table is the one you'd need to add rows to. You would need to know the 'user_id' of all users you want to add. YJou'd also then need to adjust the 'group_member_count' entry for the group in its datastore table - 'jr_jrgroup_item_key'.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
