redis just caused a panic attack!
i added some css to the skins html.css that was suposed to be a beveled customized scrollbar (webkit) when i didn't see the desired result i simply removed the code
thats when the panic set in cause the index page stopped loading css at all
i tried restoring the totaly non customized css still nothing restarted litespeed upgraded litespeed downgraded litespeed finaly shut off redis use in acp and the page loaded again
had to then restart mariadb and redis and renice them
i could then re-enable the site to use redis
i do use full page caching
just adding and removing valid css shouldn't cause 1 page and 1 page only to stop loadijng css
scared the hell out of me cause my month long trip meant i couldn't cover the backup costs and didn't have an active backup and wont till next wednsday
ps did you see my other post a few days ago maybe a week ago about the pending images checkboxes being missing since a recent update (beta core, don't mind helping you test)
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/06/19 04:51:21AM