solved Payments per stream

6 years ago
37 posts
Hello !
Just want to know more about how PAYEMENT PER STREAM work, because i was think that by using PAYMENT PER STREAM i will start geting money wain people play music in my website and in the money i get 85 % will be go back to the singer own of the song

So ! If some one can help me and tell how to get money per stream

Thank you and so happy to work with JAMROOM
updated by @valentin3: 07/21/19 02:45:47AM
6 years ago
7,794 posts
I think you're taking about the STREAM PAY module.

Docs: "Stream Pay"

And if so its the other way around. You pay the artists on your site whenever a visitor to your site listens to THEIR music.

How you get the money to pay them is up to you:
* charge your customers for streaming
* show them adverts
* other
6 years ago
37 posts
I'm so sorry for more stupid questions i asked !
For me i was think that by making the stream pay , the website also will get some money 😁😁 i don't know what i was think about but i have one more questions that can help me i this new business i start.
The questions is : HOW THIS PEOPLE WHO HAVE THERE SREAMING WEBSITE GET MONEY ? where i said this people there i mean the own of spotify, tidal, dezee how they get money for paying all those artists who put there songs there ?
Help me please
6 years ago
7,794 posts
Ask any questions you need, someone may have an answer.

It seems like you're thinking about business models. One way streaming websites make money is via subscription payments, think: hulu, netflix. They have content the customers want to see and they charge for it.

Others show stuff for free, but show adverts, like youtube.

other community members may have more specific answers.
6 years ago
37 posts
Ok thank you and i get what you are saying
