solved Upload Image (Embed Local Media)

7 years ago
230 posts
Hi, Untill this morning the Embed Local Media (creating a Blog) > Upload Image was doing fine. Upload Image allowed me to get one from the computer. It doesn't anymore. Any changes on the Follow Me skin to have caused this?
Thank You
Upload Image.jpg
Upload Image.jpg  •  43KB

updated by @annush: 02/14/19 06:23:06PM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
What happens now? Do you see anything in the CONSOLE tab of your browser? To see the console tab on Firefox hit F12, then its the second one in.
console.jpg  •  88KB

7 years ago
230 posts
Hi Michael, I had a look, most of the 'failed' scripts are to do with the livestream. Anyway, I pulled up a few more accounts and apparently the only one with the problem is my profile. I've been through a Quota check and I have exactly the same as the Admin, which all work fine. Also my profile is missing entries in 'profile' such as Profile Quota and influences. Upload image 2 is what I should have but do not.
Upload Image 2.jpg
Upload Image 2.jpg  •  40KB

7 years ago
7,794 posts
You're saying that when you click that button in "Upload Image 2.jpg" nothing happens? Try logging out then back in again. (im sure you probably already have, but) Try running the integrity check with all the checkboxes checked.

If none of that helps send me the login codes again along with a link to this thread and I'll try from here.

It could be some other javascript on the page interfering (at a guess).
7 years ago
230 posts
I have tried log off/Login, different browsers and even the possibility of going over the MB upload limit. Can't find anything. I have sent the details.
Thank you.
7 years ago
2,804 posts
I have tried log off/Login, different browsers and even the possibility of going over the MB upload limit. Can't find anything. I have sent the details.
Thank you.

You'll want to allow the upload image for the quota for your profile that is having issues.

ACP > Forms > Editor Image Upload > Global Config

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
7,794 posts
The reason its not working is because that UPLOAD IMAGE tab should not really be showing. The module is not enabled for your quota.

If you enable it for the SPECIAL quota that fixes it.
fix.jpg  •  120KB

fatsa.jpg  •  173KB

7 years ago
230 posts
Thanks Guys - It's working now. The thing is that it was working before. Strange. Thank you for the JPG's. I've learned from you guys so much. Respect.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
It was working for one of the other quotas. Maybe that profile got changed to a different quota perhaps?
7 years ago
230 posts
Thanks Michael - It's come back - now to figure out what happened to the Quota section and influences bar that have dissapeared in the profile. Have a pleasant weekend. Thanks again.
