solved My site does not appear to support SSL?

7 years ago
15 posts
Hello everyone,
while I configured my Jamroom site, I successfully installed a SSL certificate and it is working just fine.
But I hear you say "Malthor, that sounds great, what's your problem?". In the module Users I discovered an option to "create SSL URLs for local non-SSL URLs that are embedded in text items to be shown as an SSL url for logged in users".
But when I turn it on, a message appears, telling me my site does not support SSL.
Did I misunderstood the functionality of this option? Or is something wrong with my SSL certificate?

Kind regards,
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updated by @malthor: 02/02/19 08:35:20AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
are you able to access your site via
7 years ago
15 posts
Hi michael,
thank you for the fast reply.
Yes, as I said, technically my certificate is working as intended. I am just uncertain if this option is actualy needed in my case.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
I saw what you said, just without a URL to confirm it for myself I needed to ask.

that error will show when the function to check it fails. The function to check it tries to open:
and expects an OK response (screenshot)

If that URL is ok, then the issue could be that the url loading function is not working:

Check that you have no orange lights on at
this_url.jpg  •  12KB

updated by @michael: 11/01/18 01:26:29AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
Malthor:..... is actualy needed in my case.....
Do you have the lock failing with warnings like "non-secure images are loaded in the page, this page is not secure"?

This can be caused if you use an external image with an http:// start in say an:
<img src=""...........
which needs to be rewritten to
<img src=""...........
to fix the above warning. If you do then you need to turn this feature on to have the http:// rewritten to https://
7 years ago
15 posts
I saw what you said, just without a URL to confirm it for myself I needed to ask.
Here is the URL so it's easier for you to comprehend my problem 

I've tried to check the function with "" but all it did was sending me to the login screen. After that I was looking for any orange lights in the System Check tool, but that looks okay for me as well. (1st screenshot)

Do you have the lock failing with warnings like "non-secure images are loaded in the page, this page is not secure"?

Nope, nothing like that, even if I implement an external image, the website loads just fine as https://
Only in the console a hint is given to me that on the page mixed content is used. (2nd screenshot).

I also searched for the function you mentioned jrCore_load_url and neither me, nor my co-worker had a clue were to finde that.
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2.JPG  •  91KB

updated by @malthor: 11/01/18 03:14:52AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
Login as the admin user then go to

See if it gives you the OK response.

Your system check looks ok.

Try running the integrity check just to get it out of the way as a possible issue
ACP -> MODULES -> CORE -> SYSTEM CORE -> TOOLS -> INTEGRITY CHECK -> check all checkboxes -> RUN

jrCore_load_url is not important unless you want to look at the code yourself. if you do its in the util.php file in the jrCore module. What it does is important though, what it does is it tries to load that URL above over SSL and for you its failing. SOOOOOO...... its either
A: the page cant be loaded OR
B: the loading function isnt working.

Not sure which yet. If while logged in as the admin user you get the OK from that url above, then its probably the function not working. If that the case then its probably that your server does not have CURL functions enabled for php. In which case my suggestion will be contact the server company to see that it has all the needed functions.

BUT, i would have expected to see notice of that in the SYSTEM CHECK that you ran and it looks ok. so not sure.
7 years ago
15 posts
michael:Login as the admin user then go to

See if it gives you the OK response.

I did, but as a response, I was send to my profile page.
Even after the integrity check the result is the same and I still get the "Your site does not appear to support SSL!" message.

Should I check the server next?
7 years ago
7,794 posts
Try turning off the private site option, see if you can open that page, if YES then try turning on the CREATE SSL URLS option, then turning privacy back on again.

I suspect the URL is not opening may be related to the site being unavaliable to non-logged in users, seams like that may be a bug if it does work.
7 years ago
15 posts
That worked.
Thank you very much for your help michael!
7 years ago
7,794 posts
It was a bug. The bug has been fixed in the next version of jrCore. Thanks very much.
