solved Banner Ads on Follow Me Skin

7 years ago
230 posts
In previous skins we had places for Banner ads (for advertising), is there a way to have - add banner ads on our new skin, and if yes, how?
Thank you
updated by @annush: 01/10/19 03:17:48PM
7 years ago
2,804 posts
What skin are you using and which skin did you switch from?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
We had Pro Jam Light and now have Follow Me
7 years ago
2,804 posts
Yeah, the FollowMe layout isn't really setup for banner ads.

Are you using Google ads?



Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
No. We'd like to offer our members places for banner adds, maybe between the widgets, for them to make some money (and for us of course) and maybe place a footer add or at the top for sponsorships. I don't have a clue but could one be created via a widget - create a jpg add text then use it as you'd create a side widget?
Sorry clutching at straws here but nowdays it's a serious way of creating some income.
7 years ago
230 posts
Yeah, the FollowMe layout isn't really setup for banner ads.

Sorry to intrude, but are you looking into a possibility or should I take the reply as thats it?
7 years ago
2,804 posts

If you want ads between your Site Builder widgets, you'll just have to paste your ad code into a Template Code widget.

If you want ad spaces in the header and footer, you'll have to modify the correct templates, most likely the header.tpl and footer.tpl, and put your ad code there.

If you want the ads to work like they do in the ProJam skin, that would be a small project but too big to put in the forums. You can use our Project request page and we can get you a quote for the work.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Just jumping in here to mention that I've been paying a 3rd party outfit for a couple of years now, to use their code so I could insert rotating banner slideshows on my Jamroom sites. I use the animated slideshows to promote my other sites, and also I sell banner ads to my JR site members who want to increase their visibility on my site. You can see the banner ad slideshows here in the MIDDLE section of my main page:
My point is that i'd love it if one day Jamroom offered a module for adding simple animated banners and slideshows that we could edit the codes, dimensions, images, and links, use for our own promotions and for selling ads to others. I'm not talking about a static ad box or banner, but something more fun that rotates/animates/fades etc. It's just a longtime wishlist item for me, so I wouldn't have to keep paying those other people for it. I'm not knowledgeable enough for creating slideshow codes myself.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 10/08/18 10:16:55AM
7 years ago
230 posts
@Strumelia Thank you for your input. I had a look at the site and it's very nice and active. We had ads on our previous Jamroom skins, it's just this one Follow Me skin that it seems it's just a bit of bad luck. We can't afford to change skin again. Just wish we knew before we did all that work. Anyway, we will look at the options. One thing for sure is that without Ads we can't proceed. We must find a way. Thanks again.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
If it wasn't a jamroom site, what would you do for ads?

You can probably do that same thing WITH jamroom.
7 years ago
230 posts
"If it wasn't a jamroom site, what would you do for ads?" This doesn't help.

@michael we love Jamroom and Jamroom is great and most probably we would do something if it was jamroom or not. But, Jamroom is unique. It's skins are unique. If it was just like some 'other' site we wouldn't be here. We are not Knocking jamroom. No offense but from all those that help us here at jamroom, including yourself, sometimes you seem to get a liitle touchy. Sorry you seem to come over that way. We will solve it. Read the posts again as a person and not as an IT person. You will see we are not attacking Jamroom. Thank You. I've been at Jamroom for nearly 5yrs! I'm not giving up.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Michael is likely finished for the day now and I'm sure he'll get back to you on this, but I think what he was trying to suggest was then whatever code or script you want to use for an ad. can be used in Jamroom by just pasting it into a skin template.

Its maybe unfortunate for you that the FollowMe skin doesn't come with space for adverts as default, as other skins do, but as you know, Jamroom is very flexible and its fairly straightforward to add an 'ad block' to a FollowMe template(s) to do what you want. Let us know where you want the ads, and what they are to show, and we'll advise further.


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
@Paul Thank you. I appologise if I was harsh. With all this pressure to read that sentnce was hard for us. Maybe he did not mean it the way I took it. The thing is that nowhere in the above posts is a hint from us that we are complaining. Far from it. We admit we have a problem but we will try to overcome it. No fault of Jamroom or anyone involved. Just as you say, bit of bad luck. It's the 1st time in 5yrs that I am so in 'love' with a skin. We have overcome many obstacles with your TEAMS help, including yourself. It's much apreciated, but please bear in mind, we don't all know and understand code.
Your'e all a great team - Thank You
7 years ago
4,335 posts
No problem, and thanks for your continued support.
Maybe we ought to consider adding Ad support to the FollowMe skin as default. Were you happy with the way they worked in ProJam? We could maybe do something similar. One problem might be though the way FollowMe works. As its a 'Social Networking' skin, its more 'profile' based with no 'homepage' as such, where you might expect adverts to show. This is probably the reason they were not included originally.
How and where would you want adverts to show in FollowMe?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
We assumed we could do what we had before but none the less we'd like to try with Follow Me. We've added on the Landing page a Livestream that's 24/7. We would like to offer our members a way to be able to add at least 4 banners and only inbetween the widgets. Something like breaking up the widgets here and there. Somewhere where the Members page is not affected by other pages. No one is really allowing members to post ads on their Profiles that will benefit them. We would like to do that - we had it before. I tried to do it with a widget created by site builder but it only allows me to do it on the main page. I did a jpg as an idea
Thank You
Ads between widgets.jpg

7 years ago
2,804 posts
I just updated the jrFollowMe skin in the Marketplace with Ad place holders like ProJam and MediaPro. By default, all ads are turned off for the FollowMe skin, you'll have to turn them on via the skin settings > ads tab.

Let me know if you see any issues.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
Thank You. Thank You.
We are so very gratefull - It's looking good. As for issues we don't know as yet, but I will update you guys tomorrow as it's 10PM here and we'll be working till midnight.
Thank You, Sincerely.
7 years ago
346 posts
Hi guys,

Sorry to add my imput to this ad place holders feature .great idea to place it in the jrFollowme skin.

Just to take it to another step, if im not mistaken and im trying to go way back there was a skin that can control which ad on your skin will right now there are 6 spots that ads can display...2 in the index_left, 2 in tge index_right,1 in the index_list and 1 in the the global can choose the location of the ad that you want to display..lets say in the index_left..without having to modified that the any file with every skin update.
Having those six ad locations can be a little too overkill for some sites who wants ads but not everywhere
Hope it makes sense or I made sensešŸ˜
7 years ago
7,794 posts
"If it wasn't a jamroom site, what would you do for ads?" This doesn't help.

@michael we love Jamroom and Jamroom is great and most probably we would do something if it was jamroom or not. But, Jamroom is unique. It's skins are unique. If it was just like some 'other' site we wouldn't be here. We are not Knocking jamroom. No offense but from all those that help us here at jamroom, including yourself, sometimes you seem to get a liitle touchy. Sorry you seem to come over that way. We will solve it. Read the posts again as a person and not as an IT person. You will see we are not attacking Jamroom. Thank You. I've been at Jamroom for nearly 5yrs! I'm not giving up.

Did not mean to upset you. It was a real question, no underlying meanings, just a question.
If you were not using jamroom which advertising system would you like to use, because that same system can probably be used with jamroom as well by adding it in to the templates.

Eg, Jamroom has a Google Analytics module, but even if it didn't you could still use google analytics by adding in the SCRIPT to the footer.tpl template.

If the adverts you want to use are Google Adsense, then you can do that by adding in the code they give you to the location you want to use them.

If its just a regular "image with a link" type advert that you want to add in, then adding it in where you want it and adjusting via CSS tweaking would be the way to go.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
@boplive, I think JR4 had an ad-manager module that you could setup boxes for, like 480x250px, 50x50px then add images to those boxes to have them appear.

That hasn't been re-made for JR5 though.
7 years ago
230 posts
Hi, sorry not be around for a few days. Hi @michael too. I appologise as I had above too. It looks like we got what we were looking for and we do have ad boxes just for visual for now. As I said above we would like to allow our members to advertise on THEIR profile page, but the ads not to appear on other profile pages. Is there a way we can place the ad box on their page and their page alone? As Paul mentioned "As its a 'Social Networking' skin, its more 'profile' based" that is exactly what we're talking about. Allow members to add ads on their profile. Thanks. And, hey, if we get a bit hot under the collar, let's keep cool. After all we're all here for Jamroom.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Probably the best way to do this is to advise your users to create their ad as a blog with a category ā€˜advertā€™, say, then in the appropriate profile template create a block to search for and show their advert.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
If they did it as a blog we most probably won't be able to control it. We will be placing their ads in the apropriate place. Is there not a possibility to have their ads appear on their Profile? For instance (this is guruman profile) this profile has Audio tab - event tab basically tell the add to only appear on profile guruman>audio. Timeline> audio ect.....
As always, I don't really have a clue, just imagination, but is it pheasable? Since each profile is unique in what it posts, uploads, gallery images..... can't some ads be added in a similar way?
I know, I most probably give you guys a headache, but I believe it's a useful thing. Look at the ads placed on Follow Me skin. Great stuff.
7 years ago
2,804 posts
You could use the modify/create profile > form designer and add a textarea field for profiles to paste their ad code into, then place that fields variable in the profile template you want the ad to show in.

Or, since you are using the FollowMe skin, you can put that in the module templates you want them to show in, ie. the jrAudio_item_detail.tpl, jrAudio_item_list.tpl or jrAudio_item_index.tpl or in all three, that would be up to you.

Although it might be best to put it in a profile template, say the profile_header.tpl, profile_footer.tpl, profile_right.tpl or profile_sidebar.tpl

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
Sounds interesting and worth a try - we'll try it over the next few days and let you know how it goes. Thanks A Lot. Have a Great weekend All.
