solved I think I been hacked

7 years ago
104 posts
Just logged into my site today as administrator and my admin menus are in Russian. Has anyone else seen this?
I tried to set the en-us but it won't change. Cleared cache as well
updated by @emdiamond: 12/09/18 12:49:41AM
7 years ago
104 posts
It's the header and footer in the Admin menu that is showing in Russian, and only in the admin menus of the Nova theme.

Seems to be only in the Nova theme. I switched to FlashBack and then to Sage and they are still in English.
I'll see if I can find the language files for the Nova admin Header and footer menus. Or can you tell me where to look.
I'm also looking at the logs for when this may have happened
7 years ago
10 posts
Look in .htaccess maybe - the few times I've been hacked by Russians they've hidden their changes in there.
7 years ago
7,788 posts
Seams unusual that someone would hack your site and translate your menus.

Got a screenshot?

would be a good idea to change your admin password immediately.
updated by @michael: 08/19/18 05:52:10PM
7 years ago
104 posts
I agree it is odd. Maybe this is how they look for vulnerabilities?
7 years ago
104 posts
This is odd as well, Went to change my password in the Admin panel and get this Message:
"The email address you entered is already being used by another account"
The email is correct but the System won't let me change password because of this.
7 years ago
10,149 posts
This is odd as well, Went to change my password in the Admin panel and get this Message:
"The email address you entered is already being used by another account"
The email is correct but the System won't let me change password because of this.

This means there is already another account in the system using the email address you are trying to change to.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
