solved Paypal error

7 years ago
304 posts
Using the AudioPro skin and there seems to be two issues I cannot resolve.
1. The profile 'select currancy' although this is enabled I cannot see where the profile selects their particular preffered currancy.
2, When making a PayPal test purchase I get the error ' error building checkout URL for payment processor - please try again
Could someone please advise
updated by @ukdenny: 06/13/18 07:38:38PM
7 years ago
7,788 posts
1. probably in their profile settings page is where modules normally put profile related options.

Sounds like the module needs some configuring. Are you using the jrPayments module or the jrPaypal module or the jrFoxycart module with the paypal set as an option?
7 years ago
304 posts
I am using the PayPal Buy it now module. Foxycart is disabeled.
I checked again /profile/settings but nowhere to select prefered currancy.
7 years ago
2,800 posts
The currency field is in the profile settings, make sure you've enabled it for the quota that the profile belongs to in your ACP > ECommerce > PayPal Buy It Now > Quota Config...

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
304 posts
The ACP > ECommerce > PayPal Buy It Now > Quota Config... is set to default £ stirling. But the profiles audio show up as $ USD.
The option for the individual profile to select their own option does not show in their profile.
I have run reset cache and integrity check.
When testing the cart I still get' error building checkout URL for payment processor - please try again'
'If checked, users with profiles in this Quota will see a "currency" option in their profile settings where they can change the accepted currency to something different than the Quota default.'
It's checked.

I have two sites one works okay with the modual and the other doesn't. After Checking the installed moduals for the Paypal buy it now, I find the one that works okay says version1.1.6 The other does not have a version number. Both say by @ the jamroom-network. Also the one that doesn't work has a default currancy of GBP but the product shows $usd. The skin that works okay is Flashback the other skin is AudioPro.
Attached 2 screen shots Blue works okay Black one doesn't.
Could a developer spot the reason?
PaypalNotWorking.jpg  •  153KB


updated by @ukdenny: 03/14/18 12:33:46PM
