solved Payments > Subscriptions > Store > Paypal (How?)

7 years ago
230 posts
Been around the Forum and this subject has been dealt with eg
But, although I am following the various explanations I still can't get mine working! Plus, I can't find anything called 'Store" - Looked in Marketplace and in my Modules.
Can anyone guide me please? Also I have a cart icon on my menu that seems to be from foxycart although I have disconnected it.
updated by @annush: 06/18/18 07:47:04AM
7 years ago
2,804 posts
Been around the Forum and this subject has been dealt with eg
But, although I am following the various explanations I still can't get mine working! Plus, I can't find anything called 'Store" - Looked in Marketplace and in my Modules.
Can anyone guide me please? Also I have a cart icon on my menu that seems to be from foxycart although I have disconnected it.

You'll want to use the jrProduct module if your using the new payment modules.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
Thanks Douglas - we have that module. I'm missing the 'store' and to quote Ceri "19 Sep 2017 12:01:43PM @ceri-shaw:
I note that the new Products module has been released and I am eager to deploy it. Can you run through the steps necessary to install this (and the payments and subs modules)? I understand that it needs to be done in a certain order. "
I would like to know the order of steps too..... having found the 'store'
7 years ago
2,804 posts
I'm not sure what you mean by store. The new payment modules consist of the following:

jrPayment (needs to be installed first)
jrBundle (allows you to bundle items together and requires the jrPayment module)
jrSubscribe (allows your to setup subscription quotas and requires the jrPayment module)
jrProduct (allows profiles to sell items and requires the jrPayment module)
Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
It has helped and I have moved forward but I still have problems. I have added the Paypal info (Merch.I.D) ect and created a subscription which in Test mode gives me a message that I need a Premier/Business account to continue (which I have). On the Music (mp3's) when I click on the cart to buy a pop-up appears (see fig) which says it has been added to cart. Which cart as the cart above in my figure is empty - perhaps not the paypal cart? It also allows me to download the mp3 without paying - so I am definitely not doing something right!
Cart.jpg  •  51KB

7 years ago
2,804 posts
If you have the FoxyCart modules still activated, you should disable them since you won't need them if your using the new Payment modules.

I don't believe the new Payment modules show a success message like that when adding an item to the cart.

I'm not seeing an issue on my dev site.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos

updated by @douglas: 03/11/18 11:53:03AM
7 years ago
230 posts
Ok - Please let me rephrase the question: Any Idea why 1) on clicking the cart icon I get the message "successfully added to cart" and that's it! Nothing in the cart?? and 2) since the Audio is for sale why does the Download icon show and allow a Free download? Foxycart is disabled BTW.
Any ideas? It is there and it is happening. Am I doing something wrong?
Cart Prob.jpg
Cart Prob.jpg  •  67KB

7 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: Foxycart is disabled BTW.
Am currently logged into your site - FoxyCart is not disabled.
I'll do that then check your issues out.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
4,335 posts
You seem to have every payment and ecommerce module installed and enabled which I suspect is causing your confusion and issues.
I've now disabled the Store and FoxyCart modules along with the 'PayPal Buy It Now' module (which allows users to sell downloads directly keeping all the proceeds). So now, just make sure that the Payment Support module is confirured correctly and you should be good to go.
Note that if you want users to be able to sell tangible items when using the Payment Support module, its the Products module that is needed (not the Store), so also make sure that it configured for your user quotas etc.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Thanks Paul - You've put me right and I'll get on it and let you know.
What about " ...and 2) since the Audio is for sale why does the Download icon show and allow a Free download?" How can I stop this happening as it defeats the object of selling.
Cart Prob2.jpg
Cart Prob2.jpg  •  67KB

7 years ago
4,335 posts
First, let's see if that is still happening when you have set up the modules.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
2,804 posts
Thanks Paul - You've put me right and I'll get on it and let you know.
What about " ...and 2) since the Audio is for sale why does the Download icon show and allow a Free download?" How can I stop this happening as it defeats the object of selling.

The download button will always show for the master admin and profile owner, if you are logged out or logged in as a regular user, and not on your own profile audio page, and you have blocked downloads in the audio module settings, then you will not see a download button.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
230 posts
You seem to have every payment and ecommerce module installed and enabled which I suspect is causing your confusion and issues.
I've now disabled the Store and FoxyCart modules along with the 'PayPal Buy It Now' module (which allows users to sell downloads directly keeping all the proceeds). So now, just make sure that the Payment Support module is confirured correctly and you should be good to go.
Note that if you want users to be able to sell tangible items when using the Payment Support module, its the Products module that is needed (not the Store), so also make sure that it configured for your user quotas etc.

I'm sorry - been on this now for day and a half and I just can't get it right! I have 2 Quotas 1) Free Members & 2)Pro. (I had 3 but deleted one in hope I'll sort it out) Is it possible to give me point to point instructions just to finish with all this as I keep getting myself in deep water. Simply the Free Quota just has Listening/Playlist and that's that. The Pro (I.D 3) can have use of the Paypal button for Audio Downloads/Vids and so on + Tangible goods with the Payment support module which I can't see working. I tried following this but still can't sort it
Audio Upload.jpg.png

Audio Update.jpg.png

7 years ago
4,335 posts
Try it now. You'd enabled the PayPal Buy It Now module again after I'd disabled it!!!
Have made sure just the Payments and associated modules are set up as per your requirements and configured them for the two quotas. It seems to be working.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Looks Great! I added a product and was able to upload an Audio too with a price. The cart is looking good for Audio & Goods. I'm sorry I enabled the Paypal but it's because I'm confused on how the system works. Could you please tell me what happens when I (USER) wants to download Audio/Video? Does the user pay for it 1st then return to download? Does a Pro user get a Paypal button so that his/her customer to be, click & pay? The subscriptions show that it's paypal, so how will one upgrade? Do I need to create a menu upgrade button or I will guide users to go through their Profile tab? It's because I don't understand the way it will work and cannot see the buttons that confuses me and I spend hours on end clicking here and there.
Please, give me the jist of the process and I promise I won't enable/disable anything again. As long as I know it works then I will move on. Thank you. And...... give you guys a rest:-)
Sorry - and most probably the most important question is how do I get paid (subscriptions) and from Physical goods? So as not to go clicking on various boxes:-)) That's it - We're done. Thank You.

updated by @annush: 03/14/18 11:36:40AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: Could you please tell me what happens when I (USER) wants to download Audio/Video?
After a user has purchased a download they will be sent an email with a link to where to download it from. Alternatively, there will be a link via there profile page or dropdown menu to the same location where all their purchases will be available.

Quote: Does a Pro user get a Paypal button so that his/her customer to be, click & pay?
If a Pro user puts a price on any of his items, an 'Add To Cart' button will show in the item's detail page.

Quote: The subscriptions show that it's paypal, so how will one upgrade? Do I need to create a menu upgrade button or I will guide users to go through their Profile tab?
Once a subscription is created, a button will show in the user's account page.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
230 posts
Thank You.
