solved Enable Keep-Alive

7 years ago
23 posts

Gtmetrix told me I have to enable Keep-alive on my jamroom website but Keep-alive is already enabled on the server -

I have some more Wordpress sites on the same server and that is marked as solved in Gtmetrix.

Does Jamroom support keep-alive function?

updated by @cabmaxi: 05/23/18 01:47:44PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
'Keep Alive' is a server function. Jamroom has nothing to do with keep alives.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
23 posts
Hi Paul, thanks. I understand what you said but my jamroom website is the only one which doesn't recognize de Keep-Alive function enabled from the server side- That's why my question.
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Keepalives should be enabled in your vhost or server config. They are not enabled by Jamroom nor are there plans to attempt to do that. Jamroom works with or without Keepalives, and for very busy servers it makes sense to disable them. Keepalives should have already been enabled on your server by your hosting provider - if they are not enabled, they can enable them in your domain vhost config:

If your hosting provider refuses to do that for you it's time to find a new hosting provider. My hunch is they are going to use that as an excuse for why your site is so slow, when in reality you're just on an overloaded server.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
23 posts
Thanks Brian,

I solve it using a code in the .htaccess file :)
