solved Trial Pro Install Failed

8 years ago
20 posts
OK here's what happening:
1.) Upload Files
2.) go to URL and have to add install.php to install
install goes fine until I click on make the first/admin user account and I get nothing. The config file is
created and the info looks correct:

$_conf['jrCore_db_host'] = 'localhost';
$_conf['jrCore_db_port'] = '3306';
$_conf['jrCore_db_name'] = 'jamroom';
$_conf['jrCore_db_user'] = 'dabase user';
$_conf['jrCore_db_pass'] = 'database password';
$_conf['jrCore_base_url'] = 'http://IPAddress';

Error message from database table jr_jrcore_log:
jrCore_db_verify_table() created missing table: jr_jrmarket_channel

440MUSIC.COM Internet Radio
The Granddaddy of Internet Radio
for Unknown, Unsigned and Indie Music

updated by @440music: 03/18/18 11:29:24PM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
if you have to add /install.php then either you've not copied over the hidden .htaccess file or your server doesn't support mod_rewrite.

Hopefully is the first because that's easiest to fix. Good to see you back again, I remember you icon from wayback. :)
8 years ago
20 posts
thanks Michael,
the .htaccess file is on the server and Mod_rewrite is working
I use my home server for radio broadcasting and testing changes I make to v4.x
I'm running v6 on a local address which at present isn't available out side my network

PS once I learn the new version and get comfortable with it I'm sure you'll find me very helpful.
updated by @440music: 12/08/17 06:52:26PM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Try running the repair.php script, directions here:

If that fails download and install the opensource version, then put your key into it and it will become PRO
8 years ago
20 posts
I did all that before I came for help
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Install into a clean database.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
20 posts
OK still not working
database has 150 tables
when I try to complete the install by creating the first user I get Forbidden you don't have permission /user/signup
permissions on that folders apache apache drwxrwxrwx
ran repair.php and get completed messages for database repair
Cache reset complete
Integrity Check completed without errors
I'm trying to test JR on my local server and have full control on this server
updated by @440music: 12/17/17 02:56:58PM
8 years ago
7,794 posts
are you using a domain name? if you're using localhost/jamroom or similar its likely to cause issues. use /etc/hosts (or equivalent) to set a domain name for your install.

I always follow Brian's guide even when setting up local dev servers:
8 years ago
20 posts
did that befor I came here for help
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Good to know, hard to guess at solutions without all the info.
8 years ago
7,794 posts
2tunes:....permissions on that folders apache apache drwxrwxrwx ...
See if there is anything in the apache error_log and access_log

There should be no actual directory at:

That URL is routed to router.php by the .htaccess
