Unable to Install Marketplace Items

8 years ago
3 posts
Hi Community,

i installed JamRoom Today on my Server and everything works. Now i try to Install one of the Free Marketplace Items: ProfileGuestbook and get the following Error:

ERROR: unable to rename module symlink jrGuestBook - check file permissions (3)

i try to give /modules (777) but nothing change. Also i search the Forums and found some Threads but nothing with the "rename" Problem.

I hope you guys can help me, otherwise i have to search for another Script cause i really don't want to buy any stuff i can't install.

updated by @savagedragon: 03/03/18 01:49:14AM
8 years ago
3 posts
oh for info: i checked my folder and there is a "jrGuestBook-release-1.2.2" Folder inside /modules
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Welcome to Jamroom!

This error means that Jamroom is unable to rename a directory to a symlink on your server, which is how Jamroom modules work (by switching symlinks to the active module). We've seen this on some hosting providers - basically they don't allow the web user to create/delete/rename symlinks. I'd contact your hosting provider and make sure symlinking is allowed in your hosting account.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
3 posts
Thanks :) So its too late in Austria to Contact the Support. I will work on the Page for the Weekend and Contact them on Monday, hope they can help me, otherwise i have to chance the Hosting Provider.

Thanks for your Reply, good Support and great work with Jamroom. I will answer in this Thread again as soon i've reached the support of my Provider.

Greetings :)
8 years ago
7,794 posts
Shouldn't be. Hosting will usually have a 24 hour support just in case your site goes down. Try an email to them.
