Possible to upgrade from V2.9/V3 to V5?

11 years ago
15 posts
Hey guys,
I am glad that things are looking better around here. At one point I lost hope that Jamroom was coming to an end, specially when brian left for a job and stopped upgrading. Again feeling optimistic and would like to restart an old project.

Is it possible to restart from the V3? I have about 150 artists and couple of thousand registered users. or should it will be better to restart from scratch?

Any advice would help.

updated by @shayan: 02/24/14 09:52:50AM
11 years ago
10,149 posts
Hey guys,
I am glad that things are looking better around here. At one point I lost hope that Jamroom was coming to an end, specially when brian left for a job and stopped upgrading. Again feeling optimistic and would like to restart an old project.

Is it possible to restart from the V3? I have about 150 artists and couple of thousand registered users. or should it will be better to restart from scratch?

Any advice would help.


Glad to see you back online here!

What you would want to do here is to first update to the very latest Jamroom 4 (4.3.1), then do the import from your JR4 site into a fresh JR5 site - that way you keep your users and existing info.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
15 posts
I am going to try this out today.

I also have a current project where i only stream music. Will jamroom handle about 150-200 concurrent mp3 streams?

how much load will it handle if i strip it down to only and nothing but media (mp3s)?
11 years ago
10,149 posts
I am going to try this out today.

I also have a current project where i only stream music. Will jamroom handle about 150-200 concurrent mp3 streams?

how much load will it handle if i strip it down to only and nothing but media (mp3s)?

Oh yeah JR can do that no problem. You'll need a server that can handle 150-200 concurrent Apache processes, so I would say a server with minimum 4 Gigs RAM, but if you give the RAM and some decent CPU it can that no problem. Streaming actually isn't very CPU or memory intensive - believe it or not the most intensive part of Jamroom 5 (outside of audio/video transcoding) is rendering Smarty templates.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
11 years ago
15 posts
I remember we had cache system built in! and i am just going to use aclean and simple artist page with the albums and songs. Will use the weekly, monthly charts in some pages and user playlist and FB integration/comments for users.

Will it be possible to upload and setup large number of albums with least effort? I remember we didn't have any option back then.
11 years ago
7,799 posts
Album upload is real simple now.

"jamroom 5: add an album upload"
jamroom 5: add an album upload

You might like this video course to see how JR5 is working now:

"Start your own online Community"

or flick through some of the videos in our youtube channel:
