solved Update Issues

8 years ago
62 posts
Hey guys, first and for most I want to say I like using the Jamroom software. It works as expected. With that being said, I want to apologize for this rant however I feel it is something I must express. I have been using your product for some time now and as I said before I like the product but, It seems every time we finally get the installations working perfectly we receive emails about updates needed for our sites. We understand that updates are important and necessary for the Jamroom community. My problem is this. Every time you release an update it kills something else in the installation that we have to fix. I know that customizing a Jamroom installation has to be seriously backed up or your updates destroy the site and no chance of recovering the changes as per your documentation. What has me upset at this time is that I purchased multiple licences to integrate the Jamroom social connectivity to our master website at This site uses a content management system that allows us to wrap our Jamroom sites into the main site. Now that we have updated your software as recommended by your documentation, the sites no longer appear on the main site now. We narrowed it down to the system core. Once the core was updated, the site can no longer display jamroom installations. This was suppose the key selling point to having our music clients switch to Jamroom so they could be displayed in the sites wrapper under music artist. If this is an issue that will continue we understand however, this makes the Jamroom software useless to our organization. If you have a work around we are happy to use it or, we will have to suggest to our clients another way to integrate with our network.

Issue: Updating the core causes the Jamroom installation to no longer be visible in a wrapper. ,, and are all Jamroom installations that are wrapped in our main site at Before upgrade sites were visible. The sites are fine as stand alone and work perfectly however, I need to wrap them to our main site. Any Ideas?
updated by @jamesmanley: 01/18/18 07:36:12AM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Sorry to hear you're having issues with the latest updates - we definitely would prefer everything go smooth.

To prevent your site from being used as the basis for a phishing attack, Jamroom 6.1 now includes some new (recommended) X-Frame headers. If you are pulling in your site content to another site using an iframe however, you'll run into an issue.

See my solution in this post:

That should fix it up for you.

Hope this helps!

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
62 posts
Heck YEAH! you guys are the bomb and all that and a free soda. Thank you the fix worked!. is back up and running. Again thank you guys.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Awesome - glad to hear that fixed it up :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
