solved Install button not shown

8 years ago
2 posts

I have uploaded the Genosis Family tree source to my hosting server and have launched the install.php script from my browser, but the "install" button isn't visible on the page. I see all the fields to fill in for database name, db account name, email address, etc., but not the install button.

Tried both IE and Chrome browsers.

Any ideas?

updated by @skampen: 04/30/17 06:47:18PM
8 years ago
7,797 posts
That should be enough. Send us the URL to support if you like, we can take a look. send it to:
support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this forum thread.

We should be able to see whats going on. An alternative is to spin up a server on Jamroom Hosting to have a play with it.
8 years ago
10,149 posts

I have uploaded the Genosis Family tree source to my hosting server and have launched the install.php script from my browser, but the "install" button isn't visible on the page. I see all the fields to fill in for database name, db account name, email address, etc., but not the install button.

Tried both IE and Chrome browsers.

Any ideas?


Hi Scott - welcome to Jamroom!

Sounds like you may be seeing an issue with our current installer - on smaller screens the "footer" may cover up the submit button - if that is the case, try making your browser window larger (if you can) or "zoom out" and you should be able to see the button. This is fixed in our next core release.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
2 posts
Thanks for the responses. It was because my browser was zoomed in and the "footer" bar of the webpage was covering up the install button. I zoomed out and sure enough there it was.

Thanks again for the help guys, I appreciate it.
