situation: 2 sites on same server, neither would update the core both update everything else
1 site, the big site did after awhile upload some folders and files
upgrading to php 7 may have helped slightly
the other site no files are ever transfered
solution 1 download source code files upload files within core to the core release 606 folder run integrity check..and fixed (on bigsite)
site that never transfered any files i attempted variations of the same
upload core folder after renaming it to core release 606 (with proper caps etc)
download core release 606 from 1 site upload to other fail
rename core 606 to 606 bak to see if a new folder would ever be
zipped core from source uploaded via file manager extracted to 606 folder
so to fully understand the step by step rocess of updating and debugging the failures
please explain in detail how it works
my assumption is
1 transfer files
2 make any db alterations needed
3 update symlink
why did 1 transfer some files the other none i get a server disconnect notice sometimes after 10 min or so..inconsistetly
on the 1 site no folders or files are transfered (ah wait, is a compresed file sent then decompresed?)
why would uploading then running integrity check work only on the site that partially transfered files but not the 1 that nothing transfered on?
every other module transfers easily
so what are the 1st steps taken during update..then next and next (it appears to fail right away even though it doesnt generate any errors for a long time)
is there any error debug code i can add to any file that will show exactly whats going on during the update (verbose) and identify whats causing the core to not update
and finaly since 1 of you stated that they had that issue till upgrade to php 7 what php settings aee u using that maybe the cause
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/27/17 11:10:15PM