Cant get my head around the System Feeds

8 years ago
253 posts
I would like all my site activities to be posted to my twitter handle, at the moment i can only select facebook but i got the following error message

The provider did not accept the message: you do not have the permission to post on behalf of the user

updated by @musamensa: 04/29/17 07:29:00AM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
This is correct - you cannot post to another user's Twitter. You can only post to your own Twitter. Where are you posting at that you see this error message?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
253 posts
hi, i believe that the system feeds allows you to post all system activities to a prefered social media network ? if so i have linked my website's facebook account in system feeds hoping that all the activities from my website will be channeled to facebook ? That was when i got that error and i was wondering if same can be done with twitter ?
8 years ago
7,797 posts
There was a tweak that allowed a single twitter account to receive the sites timeline. Do not remember anything like that for facebook though.

cant locate it though. may have been something custom I did a while back for something.

updated by @michael: 01/28/17 12:39:06AM
