solved Audio not processing

8 years ago
62 posts
I just installed and reinstalled jamroom on a Godaddy server as I have done with my other site however, this site which uses the beatslinger skin has been processing audio for a couple of days now. Checked all systems and reinstalled all modules green across the board. Any suggestions please?
updated by @jamesmanley: 04/25/17 10:42:02PM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Any errors in the log? Maybe try deleting the audio item and reuploading it?
Does this apply to all uploads or is it one specific audio file?
You say that you already have one JR site on GoDaddy that is ok? My experience with them is that their servers are inconsistent in that Jamroom will work ok on some, but not others. Audio (and video) conversion is very intensive and when running on shared servers that are also running many other user sites, it can take a long time, or fail due to lack of server resources.
Have you considered our hosting? A dedicated VPS just for your sites specifically configured for Jamroom, plus lots of additional benefits -

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
7,797 posts
GoDaddy servers can be unpredictable. First thing to do would be go to the SYSTEM CHECK to see if there are any non-green lights up.

Docs: "HowTo: Run the System Check"

Fix any of those orange lights.

(on Godaddy's servers I would suggest running a Performance Check to test out how fast the system performs.)

Docs: "HowTo: Run the Performance Check to test your server"

( Sorry this response took so long, I had to write those docs. :) )
8 years ago
62 posts
Thank you everyone for the response. I ran the performance check as suggested and all comes up green except for a couple like foxycart which I have not configured yet. Score was 902 and says Jamroom should work excellent on this server. I deleted the audio and re-uploaded the tracks and the images now appear but the audio is still processing. Checked permissions and even re-installed the site with a new install. I've been waiting to see what happens so I had my son create an account and we are getting the same issue. I will check out the jamroom hosting but I do own my own dedicated server but was trying to off load the maintenance on Godaddy. Any ideas? Here is the Jamroom site that does work the site i'm having issues with is I am willing to create an admin account for you to take a look if you like. Again, thank you guys.
8 years ago
7,797 posts
Check the Activity Log for details

Docs: "HowTo: Check the Activity Log"

and see if there are any clues as to what is happening.

Guess is its probably ffmpeg related, maybe that you need to use the version from the server rather than the packaged one.

If thats the case then this doc:

Docs: "HowTo: Use a different FFMPEG binary"
8 years ago
62 posts
Okay, I checked FFMpeg-Binary and it says executable and green however, the activity log says this ([zonafied] Unable to execute FFMpeg binary - see attached debug output) . I contacted Godaddy and they claim everything is functioning and even updated my php version to 5.5. After reinstalling the core the ffmpeg is still green but the error is still in the activity log. Should I scrub this install and start over again? FTP is set to binary in Filezilla. Thank you again.....
8 years ago
62 posts
After extensive research I found this: The ffmpeg binary: /usr/bin/ffmpeg is not executable! Set permissions on the file to 755 or 555. Now my problem is finding the file. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
8 years ago
4,335 posts

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
62 posts
Thank you Paul however, the techs at Godaddy are not too helpful they cannot find /usr/bin/ffmpeg. tried /modules/jrCore/tools and the permission is 0755 but the error continues.
8 years ago
7,797 posts
ask the godaddy techs if the server has its own ffmpeg. Then set the path to that binary via the steps here:

Docs: "HowTo: Use a different FFMPEG binary"

I have a dev server setup on my macbook pro and it doesnt work with the ffmpeg provided by jamroom. So I needed to install ffmpeg that works on osx then make the changes in that doc to the config.php file to get jamroom to use that instead of the one provided by jamroom.

(personal opinion: of all of the hosting companies out there GoDaddy is my least favorite. They are OK for domain names, but I'd steer clear of their hosting if possible.)
8 years ago
62 posts
I would like to thank everyone for their help with this issue. It came down to being a corrupt installation. Purged the site and reinstalled. Everything is perfect 👌🏿 now. I will mark this as solved. Again, thank you 😊 all!
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Glad you got it sorted :-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
7,797 posts
well done. :)
