solved Issue Installing

8 years ago
4 posts

I am trying to install Jamroom on my own server but am I unable to finish the setup, I can run the install screen and it reports that it is successfully installed but then when I attempt to create the account it returns a 404 error with "/jamroom/user/signup" not found on the server (and I can't find a user directory in the jamroom directory).

I think it's all installed correctly (have checked against the server requirements) so not sure what to do, though I did just notice that the jamroom logo and search icon were displayed correct on the install screen so guessing it's related. This was the guide that I followed for the install (though I downloaded the latest source code and ftp it onto the server) -

Any ideas?

updated by @beaksdale: 01/21/17 10:14:07AM
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Welcome to Jamroom!

It sounds like Jamroom's .htaccess file may not have been uploaded to the server - it may show as a "hidden" file in the download (since it starts with a period), but it needs to be uploaded to the Jamroom root directory.

If you DID upload the .htaccess file, then it could be that mod_rewrite is not enabled on your account - have your hosting provider enabled mod_rewrite.

Let me know if that helps.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
4 posts
Hi thanks for the fast response.

It's my server so I've checked but apache says mod_rewrite is enabled and .htaccess is on the server

8 years ago
10,149 posts
Hi thanks for the fast response.

It's my server so I've checked but apache says mod_rewrite is enabled and .htaccess is on the server


Then you should be good. If you continue to get the "not found" for the routes however, and you've just enabled mod_rewrite, you can try restarting your web server and see if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
4 posts
I enabled it before I copied the files onto the server and ran it for the first time (as the guide I followed said to make sure it was enabled and restart the service) and just tried it again but still returns 404
*Edit* I also get the folder view when accessing the installed location through my browser if that is relevant.
updated by @beaksdale: 01/20/17 11:47:17PM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Sounds like you're missing the .htaccess file. When you unzip the download, on some systems . prefixed files are hidden.

I know on kubuntu I need to do alt+. to see hidden files.

Could be that. Check you have uploaded the .htaccess file from the jamroom package.

If not that, then need to make sure mod_rewrite is working on your server. They are the only 2 things that come to mind.

When you say you are "installing it on my own server", makes me question: does that install have a domain name like or are you installing it on the ip adresss ( ) or are you using localhost ( http://localhost/ ) coz that may make a difference too.

When I setup a local install, I always use /etc/hosts and give my install a domain name even if that domain only works for my machine, its still better than an ipaddress or localhost.
8 years ago
4 posts
Fixed it. I think it was either an issue with the virtual host settings for apache or setting up a custom domain on my router for the server. I don't think it was a problem with .htaccess because it was on the server (when I edited it on the server it look correct) and mod_rewrite was working.

Thanks for the help
8 years ago
3 posts
I once ran my own Jamroom site in the early days,many years ago.I have decided to have another go...i am on a mac and using Fetch ftp....uploaded to my domain server files,but there is no .htaccess file in the downloaded open source jamroom 4 download,so all i get at my url is "index of" reading....Any help much appreciated.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Welcome back to Jamroom :)

The file is there (just checked) - sounds like your FTP client is not setup to show "hidden" files - make sure you enable the showing of hidden files in your FTP client and then the local .htaccess file should show.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 01/30/17 02:08:23PM
8 years ago
7,793 posts
Hi @itsnow, better to open your own threads. This one's marked SOLVED so you might not get as much attention to your issue as you like. :)
8 years ago
3 posts
Thanks will open a new thread as above does not seem to work.Thanks.
